M. Garro
La comunità penale rappresenta una delle forme non detentive di intervento alle quali la giustizia minorile ricorre in via prioritaria nel rispetto dei succitati principi, permettendo all’utenza la possibilità di usufruire dei servizi e delle risorse offerti dal territorio. Finalità, questa, dimostrata sin dalla costituzione di alcune comunità penali alla cui base vi è infatti la stipula di una convenzione tra i centri per la giustizia minorile e le associazioni del privato sociale, o cooperative, che si occupano di minori.
Structural and relationships changes involving the parental and conjugal axes represent alterations that have challenged the traditional families’ model of a married heterosexual couples and biological children. This article shows the data collected during a fact-finding survey realized between 30 partners of same-sex couples with children and 30 partners of heterosexual couples with children recruited in Sicily. Participants were offered a protocol of instruments for the measurements of perceived conjugal and familiar self-efficacy, the parenting style, and the self-perception of the dynamics in the same-sex parenting in relationship with school institution (ad hoc questionnaire). The aim …
A comparison between motivations and personality traits in religious tourists and cruise ship tourists
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the motivations and the personality traits that characterize tourists who choose religious travels versus cruises. Participating in the research were 683 Italian tourists (345 males and 338 females, age range 18–63 years); 483 who went to a pilgrimage travel and 200 who chose a cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea. Both groups of tourists completed the Travel Motivation Scale and the Big Five Questionnaire. Results show that different motivations and personality traits characterize the different types of tourists and, further, that motivations for traveling are predicted by specific —some similar, other divergent— personality traits
Nuovi scenari familiari e omoparentalità: autopercezioni e relazioni sociali
Le trasformazioni strutturali e relazionali che hanno coinvolto l'asse coniugale e quello genitoriale, rappresentano mutamenti che hanno messo in discussione il tradizionale modello di famiglia costituita da una coppia eterosessuale coniugata e dai figli biologici (Garro, Salerno, 2014).
Building Resilience due to violence: The struggle of Mexican Communities
In Psychology the term resilience refers to man’s ability to respond to stressful events in a positive manner. Cases of feminicide in Mexican society provide significant information regarding the relationship between violence and the development of a capacity for resistance in order to preserve life in the long term. Given that the promotion of empowered actions is closely related with issues of community, power and precariousness, this article will discuss cultural and socio-economic factors in institutional violence against Mexican women and will provide a comprehensive look at a theoretical framework for understanding resilience within this context, starting from the relationship between…
Twins. Similarities, differences and individuality
This study aims to investigate the self-differentiating perceptions and the separation-individuation’s process in emerging adulthood twins. A group of 40 Italian pairs of twins (21 couples dizygotic-DZ and 19 monozygotic-MZ) aged 20-30 years, were evaluated using the test of graphic projection Family Life Space (DSSVF) and thought a specific questionnaire ad hoc constructed for this research. The research hypothesis focus on Zazzo’s test of parallel testimony and provide to give empirical evidence about the capacity of MZ Twins to use more internal resources of the couple than DZ Twins, causing the split slowdown on identification. The data show that there are no difference between not bise…
Homophobic bullying and preventive actions at school: from laws to gender studies in Italy
The evolution of thought relating to sexual orientation and the greater visibility of gay and lesbian people, at media level also, haven’t been efficient for the revisiting of homosexual rendering from public acceptance and for a cultural transformation. The violent events on young homosexual students urge to reflect on the need that trainers should introduce educational models capable of providing different models of gender identification, fighting the stereotype that tries to substitute the reality itself. The homophobic bullying is intended as a fight to safety and well-being of young students. A multi-disciplinary and network approach seems to be for health practitioners a valid startin…
A comparison of the effects of transactional and transformational leadership in synchronous and a synchronous online teamwork was conducted. In the study, groups of four participants interacted in online text chat and online text forum in problem solving tasks. The groups were leaded by a confederate who acted as a transactional or a transformational leader. Satisfaction in the interactions and participations communicative styles were assessed. Results indicated that transformational leadership is more satisfying and cognitive and metacognitive style oriented than transactional leadership that is more participative style oriented.