Tamas Constantin
Proceedings Of The 23Rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: Part Two
The European network for care of children with paediatric rheumatic diseases : Care across borders
Objectives. To provide an overview of the paediatric rheumatology (PR) services in Europe, describe current delivery of care and training, set standards for care, identify unmet needs and inform future specialist service provision. Methods. An online survey was developed and presented to national coordinating centres of the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation (PRINTO) (country survey) and to individual PR centres (centre and disease surveys) as a part of the European Union (EU) Single Hub and Access point for paediatric Rheumatology in Europe project. The survey contained components covering the organization of PR care, composition of teams, education, health care and …
Additional file 2 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 2 figure. Hierarchy of MedDra clinically-validated international medical terminology.
Additional file 2 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 2 figure. Hierarchy of MedDra clinically-validated international medical terminology.
Additional file 1 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 1 figure. Flowchart of the process.
Additional file 4 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 4 Table 2. Concomitant medications administered at the time of “confirmed OI”. Bio: biologic, mtx: methotrexate; ste: systemic steroids; sDMARDs: synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs; *sDMARDs are intendend other than MTX.
Additional file 1 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 1 figure. Flowchart of the process.
Additional file 3 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 3 Table 1. Complete table with the frequency of the 682 infections adjudicated by the SAC. Infections were reported after evaluation of the cases available in Pharmachild compared to the pathogens/presentations in the provisional list approved by the Safety Adjudication Committee (SAC). Data are presented as per the MedDRA High Level Term (HLT) and Preferred Term (PT) sorted by frequencies in descending order (HLT and then PT). *For definition see Step 5.
Additional file 4 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 4 Table 2. Concomitant medications administered at the time of “confirmed OI”. Bio: biologic, mtx: methotrexate; ste: systemic steroids; sDMARDs: synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs; *sDMARDs are intendend other than MTX.
Additional file 3 of Opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: analysis by the Pharmachild Safety Adjudication Committee
Additional file 3 Table 1. Complete table with the frequency of the 682 infections adjudicated by the SAC. Infections were reported after evaluation of the cases available in Pharmachild compared to the pathogens/presentations in the provisional list approved by the Safety Adjudication Committee (SAC). Data are presented as per the MedDRA High Level Term (HLT) and Preferred Term (PT) sorted by frequencies in descending order (HLT and then PT). *For definition see Step 5.