Combining stable isotope and intestinal parasite information to evaluate dietary differences between individual ringed seals (Phoca hispida botnica)
The diet and foraging behaviour of nine individual Baltic ringed seals ( Phoca hispida botnica Gmelin, 1785) in the Bothnian Bay were studied by combining results from stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) with data on intestinal parasites whose occurrence varied among the fish hosts. The patterns of infection with three acanthocephalan parasites, Corynosoma semerme (Forssell, 1904), Corynosoma magdaleni Montreuil, 1958, and Corynosoma strumosum (Rudolphi, 1802), and with a cestode larva, Schistocephalus solidus (Müller, 1776), were examined. The ringed seals become infected with these intestinal parasites by feeding on the fish hosts and hence have different parasite species and differe…