Erica Fredriksen

Erfaringer fra ansatte i hjemmetjenesten med bruk av alarmer og varslingssystemer

Masteroppgave i helse- og sosialinformatikk HSI500 2011 – Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad Ulike alarmer og varslingssystemer er allerede på markedet, men er i svært liten grad tatt i bruk i private boliger. Fra 2010-2050 vil det bli en sterk økning i antall eldre, samt at det vil bli færre yrkesaktive per person over 67 år, noe som vil gi utfordringer for hjemmetjenesten i kommunene. Bruk av teknologi i det kommunale tjenestetilbudet er til nå lite kartlagt. Tanken bak bruk av teknologi er å kunne gjøre hverdagen for ansatte i hjemmetjenesten lettere, samtidig som brukere og deres pårørende er trygge på at de får den hjelpen de trenger. Teknologi som alarmer og varslingssystemer kan avlaste…

research product

Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory

Abstract Background Increasing use of volunteers in healthcare requires structured collaboration between healthcare services and volunteers. The aim of this research was to explore critical issues and strategies in the implementation process of a digital solution for collaboration with and coordination of volunteers in municipal healthcare services. Methods Qualitative data collection was used to study implementation of a digital system for collaboration with volunteers in three Norwegian municipalities. Three rounds of interviews were conducted with healthcare employees from a volunteer centre and from municipality healthcare units in three municipalities: before implementation, and 6 and …

research product

Additional file 2 of Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory

Additional file 2. Interview guide NPT (round 3).

research product

Communication and information exchange between primary healthcare employees and volunteers - Challenges, needs and possibilities for technology support.

In light of the challenges posed by an ageing population and tighter public budgets, governments worldwide are seeking innovative ways of improving health service delivery. Volunteers can contribute to such improvement, but this requires effective coordination and communication between volunteers and healthcare employees. In this case study, conducted in two Norwegian municipalities during September-October 2017, the aim was to understand how collaboration and coordination is carried out between several stakeholders: volunteers, volunteer family members of healthcare service users and healthcare employees. Our results show that daily cooperation was largely unsystematic, and stakeholders em…

research product

Key challenges and best practices in the coordination of volunteers in healthcare services: A qualitative systematic review.

Cooperation between voluntary organisations and volunteers within healthcare services contributes to the development of public welfare. The coordination process between healthcare services and volunteers must therefore be studied to understand associated challenges and best practices. This paper presents a systematic literature review of studies that have used qualitative methods. The review was conducted to identify the knowledge base concerning these issues. The search was performed in 4 April 2019 on five databases: EbscoHost, Ovid, Scopus, Emerald and Svemed+. The selection criteria included papers published between 1 January 2009 and 4 April 2019. In total, 5,340 papers were extracted;…

research product

Additional file 1 of Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory

Additional file 1. Interview guide (round 1 and 2).

research product