Rita Næss

Long-term response of marine benthic fauna to thin-layer capping with powdered activated carbon in the Grenland fjords, Norway

The Grenland fjords in Norway have a long history of contamination by large emissions of dioxins and mercury. As a possible sediment remediation method in situ, thin-layer capping with powdered activated carbon (AC) mixed with clay was applied at two test sites at 30 m and 95 m depth in the Grenland fjords. This study presents long-term effects of the AC treatment on the benthic community structure, i.e. nine years after capping. Capping with AC significantly reduced the number of species, their abundance and biomass at the two test sites, compared to uncapped reference sites. At the more shallow site, the dominant brittle star species Amphiura filiformis disappeared shortly after capping a…

research product

Macrofaunal colonization of mine tailings impacted sediments

An experiment was conducted to study and compare macrofaunal colonization of thin layers of mine tailings. Experimental boxes filled with marine sediments capped with mine tailings were placed on the seabed and subject to colonization for six and twelve months. Three Norwegian mine tailings, representative of major production processes, were used. In addition, one set of boxes served as control and was not treated with tailings. The layer thickness of the tailings was supposed to represent the thickness in the transition zone between the sea deposit itself and unaffected sediments. The most fine-grained tailings, which also contained flotation chemicals, showed a significantly lower coloniz…

research product

Tidsanalyse av bentisk bløtbunnsfauna i Kristiansandsfjorden : Har det forekommet endringer i bløtbunnsfauna fra 1983 til 2016?

Masteroppgave akvatisk økologi BIO500 - Universitetet i Agder 2017 Kristiansandsfjorden har i en årrekke vært utsatt for sterk belastning forårsaket av menneskelige aktiviteter. Hovedproblemene i fjorden har vært knyttet til høye konsentrasjoner av organisk materiale, klororganiske forbindelser, PAH og tungmetaller, som hovedsakelig har sin kilde fra utslipp av kommunalt avløpsvann og industriutslipp. Det har blitt iverksatt ulike tiltak i fjorden: utslippsreduksjoner for industri, bygging av kommunale renseanlegg og tildekking av forurenset sediment. Disse tiltakene har ført til en bedring av miljøtilstanden, men den har fortsatt ikke nådd miljømålet satt av Vannforskriften. Det har blitt …

research product