Yun Sung Choi
We study in this paper the relation between the polynomial numerical indices of a complex vector-valued function space and the ones of its range space. It is proved that the spaces C(K,X), and L∞(μ,X) have the same polynomial numerical index as the complex Banach space X for every compact Hausdorff space K and every σ-finite measure μ, which does not hold any more in the real case. We give an example of a complex Banach space X such that, for every k > 2, the polynomial numerical index of order k of X is the greatest possible, namely 1, while the one of X∗∗ is the least possible, namely k k 1−k . We also give new examples of Banach spaces with the polynomial Daugavet property, namely L∞(μ,X…
Banach spaces of general Dirichlet series
Abstract We study when the spaces of general Dirichlet series bounded on a half plane are Banach spaces, and show that some of those classes are isometrically isomorphic between themselves. In a precise way, let { λ n } be a strictly increasing sequence of positive real numbers such that lim n → ∞ λ n = ∞ . We denote by H ∞ ( λ n ) the complex normed space of all Dirichlet series D ( s ) = ∑ n b n λ n − s , which are convergent and bounded on the half plane [ Re s > 0 ] , endowed with the norm ‖ D ‖ ∞ = sup Re s > 0 | D ( s ) | . If (⁎) there exists q > 0 such that inf n ( λ n + 1 q − λ n q ) > 0 , then H ∞ ( λ n ) is a Banach space. Further, if there exists a strictly increasing sequ…
Dynamics, Operator Theory, and Infinite Holomorphy
The Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for L(L1(μ),L∞[0,1])
Abstract We show that the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas theorem holds for all bounded operators from L 1 ( μ ) into L ∞ [ 0 , 1 ] , where μ is a σ-finite measure.
Norm or numerical radius attaining polynomials on C(K)
Abstract Let C(K, C ) be the Banach space of all complex-valued continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space K. We study when the following statement holds: every norm attaining n-homogeneous complex polynomial on C(K, C ) attains its norm at extreme points. We prove that this property is true whenever K is a compact Hausdorff space of dimension less than or equal to one. In the case of a compact metric space a characterization is obtained. As a consequence we show that, for a scattered compact Hausdorff space K, every continuous n-homogeneous complex polynomial on C(K, C ) can be approximated by norm attaining ones at extreme points and also that the set of all extreme points of the u…
AbstractIn this paper, we introduce the polynomial numerical index of order $k$ of a Banach space, generalizing to $k$-homogeneous polynomials the ‘classical’ numerical index defined by Lumer in the 1970s for linear operators. We also prove some results. Let $k$ be a positive integer. We then have the following:(i) $n^{(k)}(C(K))=1$ for every scattered compact space $K$.(ii) The inequality $n^{(k)}(E)\geq k^{k/(1-k)}$ for every complex Banach space $E$ and the constant $k^{k/(1-k)}$ is sharp.(iii) The inequalities$$ n^{(k)}(E)\leq n^{(k-1)}(E)\leq\frac{k^{(k+(1/(k-1)))}}{(k-1)^{k-1}}n^{(k)}(E) $$for every Banach space $E$.(iv) The relation between the polynomial numerical index of $c_0$, $l…
The Daugavet equation for polynomials
In this paper we study when the Daugavet equation is satisfied for weakly compact polynomials on a Banach space X, i.e. when the equality ‖Id + P‖ = 1 + ‖P‖ is satisfied for all weakly compact polynomials P : X −→ X. We show that this is the case when X = C(K), the real or complex space of continuous functions on a compact space K without isolated points. We also study the alternative Daugavet equation max |ω|=1 ‖Id + ω P‖ = 1 + ‖P‖ for polynomials P : X −→ X. We show that this equation holds for every polynomial on the complex space X = C(K) (K arbitrary) with values in X. The result is not true in the real case. Finally, we study the Daugavet and the alternative Daugavet equations for k-h…
The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for bilinear forms and polynomials
For a $\sigma$-finite measure $\mu$ and a Banach space $Y$ we study the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property (BPBP) for bilinear forms on $L_1(\mu)\times Y$, that is, a (continuous) bilinear form on $L_1(\mu)\times Y$ almost attaining its norm at $(f_0,y_0)$ can be approximated by bilinear forms attaining their norms at unit vectors close to $(f_0,y_0)$. In case that $Y$ is an Asplund space we characterize the Banach spaces $Y$ satisfying this property. We also exhibit some class of bilinear forms for which the BPBP does not hold, though the set of norm attaining bilinear forms in that class is dense.
Some geometric properties of disk algebras
Abstract In this paper we study some geometrical properties of certain classes of uniform algebras, in particular the ball algebra A u ( B X ) of all uniformly continuous functions on the closed unit ball and holomorphic on the open unit ball of a complex Banach space X . We prove that A u ( B X ) has k -numerical index 1 for every k , the lushness and also the AHSP. Moreover, the disk algebra A ( D ) , and more in general any uniform algebra whose Choquet boundary has no isolated points, is proved to have the polynomial Daugavet property. Most of those properties are extended to the vector valued version A X of a uniform algebra A .
The Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for L(L1(μ),L∞[0,1])
AbstractWe show that the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem holds for all bounded operators from L1(μ) into L∞[0,1], where μ is a σ-finite measure.
Analytic structure in fibers of H∞(Bc0)
Abstract Let H ∞ ( B c 0 ) be the algebra of all bounded holomorphic functions on the open unit ball of c 0 and M ( H ∞ ( B c 0 ) ) the spectrum of H ∞ ( B c 0 ) . We prove that for any point z in the closed unit ball of l ∞ there exists an analytic injection of the open ball B l ∞ into the fiber of z in M ( H ∞ ( B c 0 ) ) , which is an isometry from the Gleason metric of B l ∞ to the Gleason metric of M ( H ∞ ( B c 0 ) ) . We also show that, for some Banach spaces X, B l ∞ can be analytically injected into the fiber M z ( H ∞ ( B X ) ) for every point z ∈ B X .