R. Castiglia

Interferenza tra il livello dell’oggetto e attributi di base in stimuli visivi: studio su pazienti con lesione cerebrale.

Introduzione. In compiti di ricerca visiva i processi top-down coinvolti nel riconoscimento della forma dell’oggetto possono interferire nella elaborazione bottom-up degli attributi elementari che compongono l’oggetto. La performance in tali compiti può essere facilitata dopo inibizione selettiva della corteccia parietale destra tramite r-TMS. In questo studio abbiamo indagato il ruolo di lesioni cerebrali nei compiti di ricerca visiva per singole caratteristiche caratterizzati da interferenza tra il livello dell’oggetto e degli attributi elementari. Pazienti con lesione focale del lobo parietale potrebbero paradossalmente non risentire dell’effetto interferente esercitato dal riconosciment…

research product

Homophobic bullying and preventive actions at school: from laws to gender studies in Italy

The evolution of thought relating to sexual orientation and the greater visibility of gay and lesbian people, at media level also, haven’t been efficient for the revisiting of homosexual rendering from public acceptance and for a cultural transformation. The violent events on young homosexual students urge to reflect on the need that trainers should introduce educational models capable of providing different models of gender identification, fighting the stereotype that tries to substitute the reality itself. The homophobic bullying is intended as a fight to safety and well-being of young students. A multi-disciplinary and network approach seems to be for health practitioners a valid startin…

research product

Mammals of Italy: An annotated checklist

Checklists represent a basic tool for conservation and management of regional faunas. However, our knowledge on species composition in a territory changes over time due to species movements across borders, extinctions, introductions, as well as to new taxonomic evidence. We aimed to provide the most updated data on native and non-native species of mammals occurring, or that used to occur until recently, on the Italian political territory and seas. The checklist only includes species whose taxonomic status was explicitly agreed in the most recent peer-reviewed literature and based on the most updated taxonomic approaches. For each species, we provided the following information: scientific an…

research product