Emerick Delangle
Hydro-glaciology research on the Austre Lovenbreen since the 60s to the last IPY
International audience
Hydrochemical response of a polar glacier facing the recent climate changes (Austrelovenbre, Svalbard, 79°N)
2D and 3D variations of an Arctic Glacier to recent climate change since forty years (Austre Lovenbreen, Svalbard, 79°N)
International audience
Hydrogeochemical approach to understanding the glacier-permafrost subglacial-system interactions in a glaciated catchment of Western Spitsbergen.
COM; International audience
Hydrological and geochemical approach to understand the glacier-permafrost subglacial-system interactions in a glaciated catchment of Western Spitsbergen
COM; International audience; The freshwater fluxes flowing from High Arctic glaciers mainly depend on climatic indicators (T, P) but also on other parameters like the thermal state of glacier, the water routing within and below the glacier, the permafrost distribution and the hydrodynamic characteristics of the moraines and rock structures forming the catchment. Using hydrological and geochemical methods, t he objective of the presentation is to show the relationships existing between the hydrological response of a small glacier of the Brogger peninsula (Austrelovenbre glacier), th e climatic conditions and these other parameters. I n the framework o f the Hydrosensor Flows program (IPEV 30…