Antonio Ballester
Foreed flushing of branch segments as a method for obtaining reactive explants of mature Quercus robur trees for micropropagation
The aim of this study was to micropropagate mature Quercus robur L. trees when material retaining physiologically juvenile characteristics (stump sprouts, epicormic shoots) is not available. Branch segments from 70–300 year-old trees were force-flushed and the flushed, partially rejuvenated or reinvigorated shoots were used as a source of explants for establishment of cultures. In vitro establishment and multiplication was achieved with seven of the eight selected trees. The proliferation capacity of cultures of vertically placed explants declined after several subcultures, but efficient shoot multiplication was achieved by culturing decapitated shoots placed horizontally on GD medium suppl…
Polypeptide Markers Differentiating Juvenile and Adult Tissues in Chestnut
Differences were observed between the polypeptide contents of in vitro shoot cultures derived from upper branches (adult material) and basal shoots (juvenile material) of the same chestnut tree. Cultures derived from mature crown growth yielded two polypeptide bands that were not afforded by cultures derived from juvenile basal shoots. Since all cultures were derived from the same tree the polypeptide differences appear to reflect the ontogenetic age of the starting material.