Alicia Sanchez Lorente

Hypernuclear physics at $\overline{\mbox{P}}$ ANDA

Hypernuclear research will be one of the main topics addressed by the \(\overline{\mbox{P}}\) anda experiment at the planned Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research FAIR at Darmstadt, Germany. A copious production of Ξ-hyperons at a dedicated internal target in the stored anti-proton beam is expected, which will enable the high-precision γ-spectroscopy of double strange systems for the first time. In addition to the general purpose \(\overline{\mbox{P}}\) anda setup, the hypernuclear experiments require an active secondary target of silicon layers and absorber material as well as high purity germanium (HPGe) crystals as γ-detectors. The design of the setup and the development of these det…

research product

Antihyperon potentials in nuclei via exclusive antiproton–nucleus reactions

Abstract The exclusive production of hyperon–antihyperon pairs close to their production threshold in p ‾ -nucleus collisions offers a unique and hitherto unexplored opportunity to elucidate the behavior of antihyperons in nuclei. For the first time we analyze these reactions in a microscopic transport model using the Giesen Boltzmann–Uehling–Uhlenbeck transport model. The calculation takes the delicate interplay between the strong absorption of antihyperons, their rescattering and mean field deflection as well as the Fermi motion of the struck nucleon into account. We find a substantial sensitivity of transverse momentum correlations of coincident Λ ‾ Λ -pairs to the assumed depth of the Λ…

research product

Statistical decay of hyperfragments

Combining the unique features of the hypernuclear electro-production mechanism and the high precision in magnetic spectroscopy, the proposed E-08-012 experiment at Jefferson Lab, Virginia, and the scheduled hypernuclear experiment at MAMI, Germany, focus on the high-resolution spectroscopy of weak two-body decay pions from hypernuclei. These experiments will provide insight on a wide range of light hypernuclei via the production of hyperfragments from 9 Be, 6,7 Li and 12 C targets. In the present work we explore the production of Λ-hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited hypernucleus which is created by the electro/photo-production reaction. Finally the mo…

research product

Production of excited double hypernuclei via Fermi breakup of excited strange systems

Precise spectroscopy of multi-strange hypernuclei provides a unique chance to explore the hyperon-hyperon interaction. In the present work we explore the production of excited states in double hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited double hypernucleus which is created by the absorption and conversion of a stopped $\Xi^{-}$ hyperon. Rather independent on the spectrum of possible excited states in the produced double hypernuclei the formation of excited states dominates in our model. For different initial target nuclei which absorb the $\Xi^-$, different double hypernuclei nuclei dominate. Thus the ability to assign the various observable $\gamma$-transitio…

research product

Kaon Tagging at 0° Scattering Angle for High-Resolution Decay-Pion Spectroscopy

At the Mainz Microtron hypernuclei can be studied by (e,e'K) reactions. By detecting the kaon which is emitted in forward direction, with the KAOS spectrometer placed at 0 scattering angle, reactions involving open strangeness production are tagged. High-resolution magnetic spectrometers are then used to coincidentally detect the mono- energetic decay-pions from mesonic two-body weak decays of light hypernuclei at rest. As a pioneering experiment has confirmed, the KAOS spectrometer is exposed to a large flux of background particles, mostly positrons from bremsstrahlung pair production. In order to increase the e ciency of kaon identification the KAOS spectrometer was modi- fied to suppress…

research product

Studies of Hyperons and Antihyperons in Nuclei

Stored antiproton beams at the international FAIR facility will provide unique opportunities to study hyperons as well as antihyperons in nuclear systems. Precise $\gamma$-spectroscopy of multi-strange hypernuclei will serve as a laboratory for the hyperon-hyperon interaction. Exclusive hadron-antihadron pair production close to threshold can measure the potential of a antihadron relative to that of the coincident hadrons. In the present work we explore the production of excited states in double hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited double hypernucleus which is created by the absorption and conversion of a stopped $\Xi^{-}$ hyperon. Generally the formati…

research product