Anna Timperio
Development and reliability of a streetscape observation instrument for international use: MAPS-global
Background: Relationships between several built environment factors and physical activity and walking behavior are well established, but internationally-comparable built environment measures are lacking. The Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS)-Global is an observational measure of detailed streetscape features relevant to physical activity that was developed for international use. This study examined the inter-observer reliability of the instrument in five countries. Methods: MAPS-Global was developed by compiling concepts and items from eight environmental measures relevant to walking and bicycling. Inter-rater reliability data were collected in neighborhoods selected to var…
Direct and indirect associations between the family physical activity environment and sports participation among 10-12 year-old European children: testing the EnRG framework in the ENERGY project
Published version of an article in th journal: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1479-5868-10-15 Open access Background. Sport participation makes an important contribution to children’s overall physical activity. Understanding influences on sports participation is important and the family environment is considered key, however few studies hav explored the mechanisms by which the family environment influences children’s sport participation. The purpose of this study was to examine whether attitude, perceived behavioural control, health belief and enjoyment mediate associations between the fami…
Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Abstract Background The IPEN International Physical Activity and Environment Network Adolescent project was conducted using common study protocols to document the strength, shape, and generalizability of associations of perceived neighborhood environment attributes with adolescents’ physical activity and overweight/obesity using data from 15 countries. Countries did not use identical versions of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for Youth (NEWS-Y) to measure perceived neighborhood environment attributes. Therefore, this study derived a measurement model for NEWS-Y items common to all IPEN Adolescent countries and developed a scoring protocol for the IPEN Adolescent version of t…
Count- versus MAD-based accelerometry-assessed movement behaviors and associations with child adiposity and fitness
usc Estimations of time spent sedentary and in various physical activity intensities may vary according to data reduction methods applied. This study compared associations between children's accelerometer data and adiposity and fitness markers using open source (mean amplitude deviation, MAD) and proprietary (counts) data reduction methods. Complete-case accelerometer, adiposity (Body Mass Index z-score, waist circumference), and fitness (cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal) data from 118 children (10.4 ± 0.6 years, 49% girls) were analyzed. Estimates of sedentary behavior, light-, moderate-, vigorous- (VPA), and moderate- to vigorous-intensity (MVPA) physical activity were calculated using …
International Physical Activity and Built Environment Study of Adolescents : IPEN Adolescent design, protocol and measures
IntroductionOnly international studies can provide the full variability of built environments and accurately estimate effect sizes of relations between contrasting environments and health-related outcomes. The aims of the International Physical Activity and Environment Study of Adolescents (IPEN Adolescent) are to estimate the strength, shape and generalisability of associations of the community environment (geographic information systems (GIS)-based and self-reported) with physical activity and sedentary behaviour (accelerometer-measured and self-reported) and weight status (normal/overweight/obese).Methods and analysisThe IPEN Adolescent observational, cross-sectional, multicountry study …
MOESM2 of Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Additional file 2: Table S2. Country-specific scoring of the NEWS-Y-IPEN subscales for pooled analyses in the IPEN Adolescent study.
MOESM1 of Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Additional file 1: Table S1. Adaptation of the NEWS-Y for the IPEN Adolescent study (NEWS-Y-IPEN).
Count‐ versus MAD‐based accelerometry‐assessed movement behaviors and associations with child adiposity and fitness
Estimations of time spent sedentary and in various physical activity intensities may vary according to data reduction methods applied. This study compared associations between children’s accelerometer data and adiposity and fitness markers using open source (mean amplitude deviation; MAD) and proprietary (counts) data reduction methods. Complete-case accelerometer, adiposity (Body Mass Index z-score, waist circumference), and fitness (cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal) data from 118 children (10.4±0.6 years, 49% girls) were analysed. Estimates of sedentary behaviour, light-, moderate-, vigorous- (VPA) and moderate- to vigorous-intensity (MVPA) physical activity were calculated using count-…