Jari Vainiomäki
Stature and long-term labor market outcomes: Evidence using Mendelian randomization.
We use the Young Finns Study (N = ∼2000) on the measured height linked to register-based long-term labor market outcomes. The data contain six age cohorts (ages 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18, in 1980) with the average age of 31.7, in 2001, and with the female share of 54.7. We find that taller people earn higher earnings according to the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation. The OLS models show that 10 cm of extra height is associated with 13% higher earnings. We use Mendelian randomization, with the genetic score as an instrumental variable (IV) for height to account for potential confounders that are related to socioeconomic background, early life conditions and parental investments, which ar…
Prescription opioid use and employment : A nationwide Finnish register study
Background: The secular decline in labor market participation and the concurrent increase in opioid use in many developed countries have sparked a policy debate on the possible connection between these two trends. We examined whether the use of prescription opioids was connected to labor market outcomes relating to participation, employment and unemployment among the Finnish population. Methods: The working-age population (aged 19–64 years) living in Finland during the period 1995–2016 was used in the analyses (consisting of 67 903 701 person-year observations). Lagged values of prescription opioid use per capita were used as the exposure. Instrumental variables (IV) estimation method was u…
Does ICT Usage Erode Routine Occupations at the Firm Level?
We present decompositions and regression analyses that evaluate the routinization hypothesis and occupational polarization at the firm level. We establish two important facts. First, the results for the increasing abstract and declining routine occupation shares of total wage bill are consistent with the routinization hypothesis at the firm level. Second, the observed changes coincide with the usage of ICT in firms. This implies that disappearing middle-level (routine) work can be traced to firm-level technological change. Peer reviewed