Ennio Cardona
Brief description of current research activities on energy saving by cogeneration and thermoeconomic analysis and diagnosis of energy systems
In the last decades the severe issues related with fossil fuels depletion, increasing energy prices and global warming impact of energy conversion systems have attracted the efforts of scientists toward efficient technologies and methodological improvements for a rational use of energy both in the civil and the industry sectors. Among the numerous research lines developed, the combined production of multiple energy vectors and the process integration are widely considered very promising solutions to achieve more sustainable scenarios as concerns the use of energy. While polygeneration in industry represents a well-established practice to reduce the production cost of energy and material str…
A Validation Methodology for a Combined Heating Cooling & Power (CHCP) Pilot Plant
Penetration Scenarios of Cogeneration in the Liberalised Energy Market
Il progetto SAVE-DABASI, parte II Ottimizzazione di impianti CHCP mediante simulazione oraria
Zooming on the exergetic cost formation process of a Multiple-Effects-Evaporation (MEE) desalination plant
In this paper an advanced energetic and thermoeconomic analysis of a Multiple Effect Evaporation (MEE) process is proposed. Starting from the thermochemical fundamentals of desalination processes, a minimum theoretical work of separation is introduced, to be used as reference condition to assess the efficiency of desalination units. The attention is then focused on a forward feed MEE configuration; by abandoning the usual perspective oriented to analyse the system at an “overall plant” level, a zooming strategy is proposed to understand in depth the margins for systems’ improvement. Focusing on a single effect, different subprocesses and their mutual interactions are correctly recognized to…
Progettazione e gestione di impianti CHCP con gruppi modulari
Dimensionamento ottimale di moduli di accumulo termico per impianti cogenerativi e trigenerativi
A new approach for exergoeconomic analysis of variable demand energy systems
Exergoeconomics is an attractive research field regarding the optimisation of design and operability where complex energy systems are concerned. The different approaches to thermoeconomics can easily achieve optimal or near-optimal solutions for the design of energy systems in industrial applications, characterised by regular energy demand profiles; for applications in buildings, however, the great number of components operating at unsteady conditions due to the demand variability make these methodologies hard to use. Furthermore, in project phases of complex plants such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or Combined Heat Cooling and Power (CHCP), energy demand can be satisfied with different…
Impianti di trigenerazione per il risparmio energetico nel settore alberghiero in aree mediterranee
Il settore alberghiero presenta prospettive particolarmente favorevoli alla diffusione degli impianti di cogenerazione, grazie alla simultanea presenza di una domanda elettrica e di una termica a bassa temperatura, che consentono, in particolare per gli alberghi che funzionano durante tutto l’anno, significativi risparmi di energia primaria e notevoli benefici sia economici che ambientali. Nei paesi del bacino Mediterraneo, in particolare, la diffusione dei frigoriferi ad assorbimento presenta grandi vantaggi per l’opportunità di integrare, nei cosiddetti impianti di trigenerazione o CHCP, la domanda di energia frigorifera all’interno del processo di “sfruttamento in cascata” del potenziale…