Maria Lidia Buzzanca
Prevalence and distribution of odontogenic cysts in Sicily: 1986-2005.
The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of odontogenic cysts (OCs) in Sicily and evaluate their distribution during a 20-year period. A cross-sectional retrospective study was carried out in 1,310 cysts of the jaw diagnosed in 12,197 individuals, who consecutively attended the Odontostomatologic Clinic of Palermo from 1986 to 2005. 1,273 cysts were classified as odontogenic, whereas only 37 were non-odontogenic. In the former group, the most frequent lesions were radicular cysts (84.5%), followed by dentigerous OCs (11.4%). Inflammatory radicular cysts were observed more in male gender, younger age at diagnosis and anterior maxilla as site of presentation. Unlike dentigerou…
Implant fracture. Case report
Juvenile central ossifying fibroma of the mandible: a case report
Central ossifying fibroma is a rare fibro-osseous neoplasm in young children. It is highly aggressive and has a strong tendency to recur. We describe an 11-year-old girl with juvenile central ossifying fibromas of the mandible that caused obstruction of tooth eruption of the lower left second premolar. Oral examination revealed the presence of the primary lower left second molar and a small bony hard swelling over the left side of the mandibular body. After a computed tomographic scan, an incisional biopsy was performed, and the lesion proved to be a juvenile ossifying fibroma. Although this tumor often recurs early, and many authors suggest radical en bloc resection, we performed a more co…
Le Granulome éosinophile des maxillaires: une zone radiotransparente qui n'est pas toujours pathognomique d'une véritable pathologie
Le Granulome éosinophile des maxillaires: une zone radiotransparente qui n’est pas toujours pathognomonique d’une véritable pathologie.
Cervico-Facial Actinomycosis: Epidemiological and clinical comments
In a retrospective investigation performed in the department of Surgical Odontostomatology of Palermo University Polyclinic from 1997-2006, the authors examined 12 cases of cervico-facial actinomycosis, taking into consideration age range, gender distribution, predisposing factors and symptoms. In concordance with reports in literature, they found that the disease was perimandibular in 65%, they also report the diagnostic methods and therapeutic approaches used in the study
Management of Primary Non-Aggressive Mandibular Giant Cell Tumor: A 14 Years' Experience
Giant cell tumor is a rare non-odontogenic lesion that represents approximately 4-5% of all primary bone tumors. Such lesions derive their actual name from the constant presence of numerous giant cells, similar to osteoclasts .All the giant cell tumors hystorically is treated with curettage. Because this conservative approach is often associated with a recurrence rate of up to 70% , aggressive resection has become the standard practice. Unfortunately ,recurrence after wide resection is about 7%. The aim of the study is to describe the 14 years single institution experience with management of primary non-aggressive giant cell tumor of the jaws bone.
Sweet's syndrome induced by removable partial denture using a CoCr alloy: case report.
Sweet's syndrome is an acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis characterized by fever, neutrophilia and erythematous skin lesions. This disease typically occurs as a reactive event in response to infective, inflammatory or neoplastic processes. The aim of this work was to describe a rare case of Sweet's syndrome induced by dental removable partial denture using a CoCr alloy.
Valutazioni cliniche e strumentali di fratture di impianti dentali
Informazione,consenso e alleanza terapeutica in chirurgia orale ambulatoriale
lo sviluppo della odontoiatria amplia la possibilità di interventi di chirurgia orale anche in contesto ambulatoriale; questo impone una attenta valutazione dei rischi, delle possibili complicazioni e dei vantaggi per il paziente; queste informazioni devono essere effettivamente comprese dal paziente, affinchè si costruisca un valido consenso; questa modalità di comunicazione contribuisce alla fiducia posta nel sanitario e nell’équipe terapeutica, ed è alla base della alleanza terapeutica; sotto il profilo legale, si ritiene che l’informazione, ancor prima della realizzazione del contratto di cura, sia una obbligazione vincolante per il sanitario/i. Occorre dunque sviluppare sistematicament…
Management of osteonecrosis of the jaws
Management of primary ameloblastoma of the jaw: a 15 years' experience.
AIM: The aim of this retrospective study was to describe our 15-year experience in the management of primary ameloblastoma of the jaw. METHODS: We investigated 26 patients who had undergone surgical treatment for a single lesion, comprising six lesions of the maxillary bone and 20 tumors of the mandible: 73% had a radiolucent multilocular lesion; 23% a unicystic lesion; and 4% had an extraosseous form of the tumor. The smaller lesions (diameter <3 cm) were treated by conservative approaches; the larger lesions required radical surgical resection. Two groups were created according to whether the patients had received conservative or aggressive surgery. RESULTS: The recurrence rate was estima…
Central giant cell granuloma ( CGCG ), is a fibro-osseous lesion. The majority of lesions are observed in the mandible and mainly in children and young adults, more often in females than in males. This lesion, which the pathogenesis still remains obscure, appears as radiolucency, well or ill-defined, uni or multilocular with trabeculations coursing through the lesion. Histologic study shows giant cells, fibroblastic cells, and foci of hemorrhage and osteoid tissue. On the basis of clinical, radiological and histologic features, central giant cell granulomas can be classified as "non-aggressive" or "aggressive"; the histomorphometric analysis prove a significant increase in large giant cells…