G Camera Roda

Strategy assessment to mediate between purification targets and bromate production during purification of bromide containing water by means of photocatalytic ozonation

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Production of Aldehydes by Oxidation in Aqueous Medium with Selective Recovery of the Product by Means of Pervaporation

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Ferulic Acid Oxidation Through Visible Light Induced TiO2 Photocatalysis

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Visible-light-induced oxidation of trans-ferulic acid by TiO2 photocatalysis

Abstract The oxidation of trans-ferulic acid (C10H10O4) in aqueous TiO2 dispersion occurs via the formation of a charge-transfer complex on the TiO2 surface that is able to absorb visible light (λ ⩾ 400 nm). The main product is CO2, whereas secondary oxidation products are organic species such as vanillin, caffeic acid, homovanillic acid, and vanillylmandelic acid. Oxidation through the formation of a charge-transfer complex occurs only in the presence of specific TiO2 samples. Experiments in the absence of oxygen, in the presence of bromate ions and by using a phosphate-modified TiO2, have been carried out for investigating the reaction mechanism. In order to study the interaction between …

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Sintesi di Vanillina tramite Reazione di Ossidazione Fotocatalitica con TiO2 in Fase Acquosa

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Process Intensification through Coupled Photocatalysis-Ozonation of Contaminated Bromide Containing Waters

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Process Intensification by Using Ozonation Coupled with TiO2 Photocatalysis for Treating Bromide and/or Bromate Ions Containing Water: The Role of Co-present Model Organic Compounds

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Pervaporation membrane reactors (Chapter 3)

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Photocatalytic ozonation:Maximization of the reaction rate and control of undesired by-products

In theso-calledphotocatalyticozonation(PO)synergisticeffectsbetweenphotocatalysisandozonation enhance therateofoxidationoforganiccompounds,thereforethisintegratedprocessisverypromising for useinwatertreatment.Inthepresentwork,itisdemonstratedthattheimprovementthatcanbe obtained bytheintegratedprocessincomparisonwiththeuncoupledprocessesdependsontherelative weight between photocatalysis and ozonation. In this respect, it has been found that a relatively low rate of photocatalysis (0.3 times the rate of ozonation)issufficienttogetthehighestsynergyandtomaximize the performancesintheoxidationofformate,theadoptedmodelorganiccompound.Thebenefitsof the couplingofphotocatalysistoozonationarenotlimi…

research product

Visible Light Induced Oxidation of Ferulic Acid by TiO2 Photocatalysis

Oxidation of ferulic acid (C10H10O4) in aqueous medium occurs by using both commercial and home prepared TiO2 samples under visible light irradiation. Among the oxidation products vanillin was found with a selectivity ranging from 1 to 2% with respect to the converted substrate. By considering that TiO2 is unable to absorb visible light and ferulic acid does not react in the absence of TiO2, the observed photoactivity may be explained by the formation of a charge-transfer complex between ferulic acid and TiO2, being the complex able to absorb visible light. Among all the tested semiconductor oxides, only Merck anatase TiO2 does not perform the oxidation of ferulic acid under visible light i…

research product

Selective Gree-Syntheses of Flavour-Molecules through TiO2 Photocatalysis in Aqueous Suspension

research product

Photocatalytic Ozonation of Bromide Containing Waste Water: Related Problems and Kinetics Based Strategy Evaluation

In the so-called photocatalytic ozonation (PO) synergistic effects between photocatalysis and ozonation enhance the rate of oxidation of organic compounds, therefore this integrated process is very promising for use in water treatment. In the present work, it is demonstrated that the improvement that can be obtained by the integrated process in comparison with the uncoupled processes depends on the relative weight between photocatalysis and ozonation. In this respect, it has been found that a relatively low rate of photocatalysis (0.3 times the rate of ozonation) is sufficient to get the highest synergy and to maximize the performances in the oxidation of formate, the adopted model organic …

research product

Guidelines for the Assessment and the Validation of the Rate Law of Slurry Photocatalytic Reactions

The assessment of the rate law of slurry photocatalytic reactions appears to be a hard task, mainly because in this type of reactions the average rate of reaction, which is experimentally observed in a real reactor, could be very different from the “true” (intrinsic) rate of reaction, which cannot be measured directly. In the present work, it is shown how a proper mathematical model allows the utilization of the differential and/or the integral methods of kinetic analysis. The mathematical model must take into account not only the momentum and the mass balances, but also the radiative transfer equation. However, the discrimination among different proposed kinetic laws remains difficult sinc…

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