Andrea Ciardi
Laboratory formation of a scaled protostellar jet by coaligned poloidal magnetic field
International audience; Although bipolar jets are seen emerging from a wide variety of astrophysical systems, the issue of their formation and morphology beyond their launching is still under study. Our scaled laboratory experiments, representative of young stellar object outflows, reveal that stable and narrow collimation of the entire flow can result from the presence of a poloidal magnetic field whose strength is consistent with observations. The laboratory plasma becomes focused with an interior cavity. This gives rise to a standing conical shock from which the jet emerges. Following simulations of the process at the full astrophysical scale, we conclude that it can also explain recentl…
High Energy Emission from Shocks Due to Jets and Accretion in Young Stars with Disks: Combining Observations, Numerical Models, and Laboratory Experiments
High energy emission from young stars with disks, with all their components due to accretion and outflow activity, can have a deep impact on the evolution of their disks and on the formation of exo-planetary systems. An inter-disciplinary approach, which combines multi-wavelength observations, magnetohydrodynamical models, and laboratory experiments, allows us to get a more complete description of the accretion/ejection phenomena characterizing young stars. We discuss the case of the HH 154 jet, its X-ray emission localized at the base of the jet and its complex morphology, comparing observations, models, and laser experiments. We present the comparison between magnetohydrodynamical models …
Laboratory evidence for asymmetric accretion structure upon slanted matter impact in young stars
Aims. Investigating the process of matter accretion onto forming stars through scaled experiments in the laboratory is important in order to better understand star and planetary system formation and evolution. Such experiments can indeed complement observations by providing access to the processes with spatial and temporal resolution. A previous investigation revealed the existence of a two-component stream: a hot shell surrounding a cooler inner stream. The shell was formed by matter laterally ejected upon impact and refocused by the local magnetic field. That laboratory investigation was limited to normal incidence impacts. However, in young stellar objects, the complex structure of magne…
Laboratory disruption of scaled astrophysical outflows by a misaligned magnetic field
The shaping of astrophysical outflows into bright, dense, and collimated jets due to magnetic pressure is here investigated using laboratory experiments. Here we look at the impact on jet collimation of a misalignment between the outflow, as it stems from the source, and the magnetic field. For small misalignments, a magnetic nozzle forms and redirects the outflow in a collimated jet. For growing misalignments, this nozzle becomes increasingly asymmetric, disrupting jet formation. Our results thus suggest outflow/magnetic field misalignment to be a plausible key process regulating jet collimation in a variety of objects from our Sun’s outflows to extragalatic jets. Furthermore, they provide…
Laboratory evidence for proton energization by collisionless shock surfing
Charged particles can be accelerated to high energies by collisionless shock waves in astrophysical environments, such as supernova remnants. By interacting with the magnetized ambient medium, these shocks can transfer energy to particles. Despite increasing efforts in the characterization of these shocks from satellite measurements at Earth’s bow shock as well as powerful numerical simulations, the underlying acceleration mechanism or a combination thereof is still widely debated. Here we show that astrophysically relevant super-critical quasi-perpendicular magnetized collisionless shocks can be produced and characterized in the laboratory. We observe the characteristics of super-criticali…
Laboratory unraveling of matter accretion in young stars
When matter accretes onto a young star, a shell of dense material can form around the impact, reducing its x-ray emission.
Inferring possible magnetic field strength of accreting inflows in EXor-type objects from scaled laboratory experiments
Aims. EXor-type objects are protostars that display powerful UV-optical outbursts caused by intermittent and powerful events of magnetospheric accretion. These objects are not yet well investigated and are quite difficult to characterize. Several parameters, such as plasma stream velocities, characteristic densities, and temperatures, can be retrieved from present observations. As of yet, however, there is no information about the magnetic field values and the exact underlying accretion scenario is also under discussion. Methods. We use laboratory plasmas, created by a high power laser impacting a solid target or by a plasma gun injector, and make these plasmas propagate perpendicularly to …