Antti Hämäläinen

Towards enabling privacy preserving smart city apps

Smart city applications are increasingly relying on personally identifiable data. A disclosure of such a data to a platform provider and possible 3rd parties represents a risk to the privacy of the application users. To mitigate the privacy risk, two-layer privacy-preserving platform architecture is introduced, wherein the personally identifiable information is dealt with at the inner layer (executed in a trusted environment), whereas only generic and personally unidentifiable information is made available to the apps at the outer layer of the architecture — e.g., in a form of app-specific events. The essential requirements for the platform are described, and the architectural implications …

research product

The epistemological complexity of ideal care : long-term care professionals’ perspectives

The article elaborates what aspects of knowledge eldercare workers describe concerning everyday long-term care practices. The article utilises a thematic analysis of Finnish long-term care workers’ semi-structured interviews (n = 25), and in doing so, it contributes to the discussion concerning the epistemological basis of care. The analysis specifies four aspects of knowledge in long-term care work: objective/objectifying, particular, corporeal and tacit. In line with existing literature on knowledge and care, the findings indicate that rational-technical epistemological approaches are insufficient when complex and fluid care relations are concerned. Moreover, cognitive impairments and oth…

research product

Cosmic perturbation theory and inflation

Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa olen käynyt läpi yhden skalaarikentän synnyttämän kosmisen inflaation teoriaa. Tätä varten olen opiskellut kosmista häiriöteoriaa joka tutkii Friedmann-Robertson-Walker -avaruusajan ympärille kehitettyjen häiriöiden kehitystä inflaation aikana. Kosmiset häiriöt riippuvat mitan valinnasta, joten olen esitellyt hyvin tunnetut mittainvariantit muuttujat, Mukhanovin-Sasakin muuttujan q sekä mukanaliikkuvan kaarevuushäiriön R. Lasken skalaari- ja tensorihäiriöiden tehospektrit sekä relevantit spektriparametrit. Lopuksi käyn läpi kaksi yksinkertaista esimerkkiä, potenssilaki-inflaatio sekä Higgs-inflaatio. In this thesis I have reviewed the basic theory of single sca…

research product

Responses to vulnerability : care ethics and the technologisation of eldercare

This article argues for a re-conceptualisation of care relations and uses the re-conceptualisation to scrutinise the way in which technology is adopted in eldercare practices. First, it draws on the definition of care as attentiveness to vulnerability, as used in the tradition of care ethics. Second, it specifies four essential aspects of care relations: relationality, dyadic mutuality, corporeality and devotion. Third, using socio-technical and phenomenological perspectives, care relations are contrasted with the idea of intertwining technological and human actors in care practices. Finally, using two adaptations of telecare as examples, the essential aspects of care relations are shown to…

research product

Luottamus teknologiaan on koetuksella

Laitteiden ja sovellusten toimimattomuus vaikeuttaa vanhustyön tekemistä enemmän kuin palkansaajilla keskimäärin. Luottamuksen rakentaminen teknologiaan vaatii aikaa, kärsivällisyyttä ja kehitystyötä. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Electronic Health Records reshaping the socio-technical practices in Long-Term Care of older persons

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Long-Term Care (LTC) of older persons are expected to improve resident-centered care by reducing ambiguities in information coordination between LTC workers and organisations. While there are research findings concerning such intended outcomes, we are interested in analysing what sort of other, possibly unanticipated outcomes the use of EHRs in LTC may produce. We argue that the scrutiny of EHRs in LTC requires an understanding of their implementation as socio-technical processes, whereby EHRs are perceived as performative artifacts of LTC rather than technological tools or passive objects. While EHRs have been extensively studied in health-care settings,…

research product

Sense of belonging in a digitalised care work community

This chapter uses the theoretical framework of sense of belonging to explore how eldercare workers from Finnish service housing units for older people describe the use of digital devices and applications in their work and the work practices that relate to their sense of belonging. The study is based on interview data (n = 25) that was collected in 2018 for a study on digitalisation of eldercare. The chapter asks: what does a sense of belonging mean for care workers’ agency in a digital era? The analysis concentrates especially on the practices of belonging and how they are enacted in a digitalised work environment. The chapter proposes that in the digital era, a sense of belonging is partic…

research product

Group‐based instant messaging in Finnish residential elder care work : taming the technology or vice versa?

As new communication technologies become embedded in care work, there is a need to understand how they affect its temporal order. This article analyses group-based mobile instant messaging (IM) in residential elder care work in Finland. The article asks (i) how care workers use group-based messaging for work; and (ii) how they negotiate the rules for its use. Theoretically, the article draws on science and technology studies focusing on ‘taming’ and ‘unleashing’ (Pols, 2017), and temporality (Wajcman, 2008). Analysis is based on a qualitative interview study of care workers and nurses (n = 25) conducted in 2018. The results showed how the time-shifting functionality of IM allows employees t…

research product

One More, One More... You Get Stuck" : The Role of Craving in Smartphone-Related Technostress

Smartphones have been integrated into nearly every aspect of human life. Because of them, being entertained, communicating with others, and finding information has never been easier. Even though such possibilities are positive on the surface, the versatile nature of smartphones has also created issues, such as people using them compulsively or excessively. By collecting and analyzing data from 30 semistructured interviews, we explored how users may experience craving unstoppable/uncontrollable desire to use, despite the negative consequences) that make them use smartphones compulsively or excessively. Such use may eventually lead to technostress, which is stress caused by technology use. We…

research product

Vanhustyö ja teknologia. Jyväskylän yliopiston vanhustyön kyselytutkimus 2019 : Katsaus tutkimusaineistoon

Jyväskylän yliopiston vanhustyön kyselytutkimuksessa kerätään tietoa vanhus- ja hoivatyön teknologisoitumista sekä työntekijöistä, työn luonteesta ja työoloista vuosina 2019−2025. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada ajantasainen kuva teknologisten laitteiden ja palveluiden käytöstä vanhuspalveluissa ja hoivatyössä sekä selvittää digiteknologioiden käytön merkityksiä ja yhteyksiä työoloihin ja päivittäisiin työrutiineihin sekä hoivasuhteisiin. Kyselytutkimus on osa Ikääntymisen ja hoivan tutkimuksen huippuyksikön (CoE AgeCare) tutkimustoimintaa. Kysely toteutettiin ensimmäisen kerran huhtikuussa 2019, jolloin kyselyyn saatiin 6 903 vastausta. Vastaajista 3 758 liittyi vastaajapaneeliin. Kyselyn…

research product

Eldercare work and technology. 2019 University of Jyväskylä survey study on eldercare work : Overview of survey data

University of Jyväskylä has launched a survey study on eldercare work aimed to obtain information on 1) employees working with services for older people, 2) the nature of the work and working conditions in services for older people and 3) a current view of the use of technology in services for older people. The goal is to examine how the use of digital technologies is linked to working conditions, daily work routines and care relationships and to monitor the nature of care work and its digitalisation during 2019-2025. The first baseline survey was conducted on April 2019 resulting with 6 903 answers and of the respondents, 3,758 joined the respondent panel. The 2019 survey data shows that i…

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