Chemical composition and roughness of enamel and composite after bleaching, acidic beverages and toothbrushing
Background In this study was assessed the surface roughness and chemical composition of tooth enamel and composite resin after bleaching treatment, immersion in acidic beverages, and simulated toothbrushing. Material and methods One hundred and twenty dental blocks (10 x 10 x 3 mm) were randomly assigned (n = 10) according to surface treatment [none (N), bleaching (B), toothbrushing (T), and B+T] and storage medium [saliva (S), whiskey (W), and orange juice (O)]: experimental groups - N+S, N+W, N+O, B+S, B+W, B+O, S+T, W+T, O+T, B+S+T, B+W+T, and B+O+T. Two bleaching sessions were conducted using 38% hydrogen peroxide (3 applications). Surface roughness was measured using a roughness tester…