Antti Kauhanen
The effects of an education-leave program on educational attainment and labor-market outcomes
Abstract I study the effect of an education leave subsidy for the employed on labor-market outcomes and educational attainment using Finnish administrative linked employer-employee panel data and matching methods. The adult education allowance is available to employees with at least eight years of work experience and allows them to take a leave for 2–18 months to participate in an education program while being compensated for a substantial part of their forgone earnings. I find large positive treatment effects on educational attainment and changing occupation. The treatment effects on earnings and employment are negative during the lock-in period and close to zero afterward. Treatment effec…
Does job design make workers happy?
Using linked employer‐employee data for Finland we examine associations between job design, employee well‐being and job‐related stress. Three key findings stand out. First, in accordance with the theory of Karasek and Karasek and Theorell, job control and supervisory support are positively correlated with employee well‐being and negatively correlated with job‐related stress. Second, as predicted by theory, job demands are positively correlated with job‐related stress. Third, there is no association between job demands and employee well‐being and, contrary to expectations, neither job control nor supervisory support alleviate the negative relationship between job demands and job‐related stre…
ILR842810_AppendixTable – Supplemental material for Internal and External Hiring
Supplemental material, ILR842810_AppendixTable for Internal and External Hiring by Jed DeVaro, Antti Kauhanen and Nelli Valmari in ILR Review
Internal and External Hiring
Using large-scale, linked, employer–employee, Finnish panel data, the authors examine firms’ internal versus external hiring decisions more comprehensively than has prior literature. The results show that vacancies in job hierarchies are filled more often by horizontal moves than by promotions. Most horizontal moves are external and within the same job functions, so that internally promoted workers face external competitors occupying higher job levels. Compared to internally promoted workers, external and internal horizontal hires have stronger observable ability indicators (e.g., education, experience, prior work history) but weaker job performance in the year preceding the transfer. Inter…
Aktiivisen työvoimapolitiikan mahdollisuudet työllisyysasteen kasvattamisessa
This article considers the impact of active labor market policy on the employment rate. It reviews the literature on wage subsidies, training and job search assistance. Particular attention is paid on the side effects of active labor market policies such as the lock-in effect, substitution effect and displacement effect. Recent research concerning the implementation of active labor market policies is also reviewed. The evaluation studies show that private sector wage subsidies have positive employment effects both in the short and long runs. Public sector wage subsidies do not have positive employment effect on any time frame. Research suggests that wage subsidies may have substantial displ…
Hajautunut neuvottelujärjestelmä parantaa palkkoja ja työhyvinvointia
Työehtosopimusneuvotteluiden taso on Euroopassa siirtynyt lähemmäs yritystasoa viime vuosikymmenien aikana. Tätä kutsutaan neuvottelujärjestelmän hajautumiseksi. Suomessa on kuitenkin nykyhetkeen saakka pysytty liittotasoisessa sopimisessa, vaikka vertailumaissa siirryttiin hajautuneempaan järjestelmään jo 1990-luvulle tultaessa. nonPeerReviewed
Individual responses to combined endurance and strength training in older adults.
Purpose: A combination of endurance and strength training is generally used to seek further health benefits or enhanced physical performance in older adults compared with either of the training modes alone. The mean change within a training group, however, may conceal a wide range of individual differences in the responses. The purpose, therefore, was to examine the individual trainability of aerobic capacity and maximal strength, when endurance and strength training are performed separately or concurrently. Methods: For this study, 175 previously untrained volunteers, 89 men and 86 women between the ages of 40 and 67 yr, completed a 21-wk period of either strength training (S) twice a week…
Suomalainen ekonomistikone
Ekonomistikone on verkossa toimiva ekonomistien asiantuntijapaneeli. Tässä artikkelissa käymme läpi suomalaisen ekonomistikoneen viisivuotista taivalta. Vastaamme seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Miksi ekonomistikone perustettiin? Ketkä olivat tässä aloitteellisia? Miten ekonomistikone toimii? Miten kysymykset laaditaan ja ketkä niihin vastaavat? Mistä ekonomistit ovat samaa mieltä, mistä eri mieltä? Mihin ekonomistit eivät osaa vastata? Millaista näkyvyyttä ekonomistikone saa julkisuudessa? Lopuksi pohdimme hieman ekonomistikoneen tulevaisuutta. nonPeerReviewed
The roles of job and worker restructuring in aggregate wage growth dynamics
We propose an approach for measuring and analyzing the dynamics of the standard aggregate wage growth of macro statistics with micro data. Our method decomposes the aggregate wage growth into the wage growth of job stayers and into various terms related to job and worker restructuring. This method produces explicit expressions with clear interpretations for the various restructuring components. Using comprehensive longitudinal employer–employee data, we study how job and worker restructuring influence the aggregate wage growth and its cyclicality. The results highlight the importance of drawing a sharp distinction between job and worker restructuring in the analysis of aggregate wage growth…