Eerika Koskinen-koivisto

A greasy-skinned worker: gender, class and work in the 20th-century life story of a female labourer

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This article describes varied place attachments manifested in public (communal) places in the two socioeconomically weakest suburbs of the city of Jyväskylä in central Finland. We conducted ethnographic research and observations, interviewed local experts on their views of the suburbs, and analysed discourses from various places where residents’ experiences of identity and social relations are connected to residential and community attachment. Our results show a strong connection to place evolving in both suburbs through bonds to the physical and the social environment. The local experts reported social connectedness and sense of belonging among the residents of both suburbs. The strength o…

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Transnational heritage work and commemorative rituals across the Finnish-Russian border in the old Salla region

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Läsnäolevaa ja sitoutunutta : osallistumisen hyöty ja mielekkyys etnologisessa tutkimuksessa

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Käsin kosketeltava tieto – SENSOMEMO-hankkeen kuulumisia

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Kerrotun minän moninaisuus

Hynninen, Anna 2017: Minä, lotta, vaimo, äiti. Kerronnan variaatio ja toimijuus aktiivikertojan muistelukerronnassa. Turku: Turun yliopisto. 406 sivua. 

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‘Where the F… is Vuotso?’ : heritage of Second World War forced movement and destruction in a Sámi reindeer herding community in Finnish Lapland

In this paper we discuss the heritage of the WWII evacuation and the so-called ‘burning of Lapland’ within a Sámi reindeer herding community, and assess how these wartime experiences have moulded, and continue to mould, the ways people memorialise and engage with the WWII material remains. Our focus is on the village of Vuotso, which is home to the southernmost Sámi community in Finland. The Nazi German troops established a large military base there in 1941, and the Germans and the villagers lived as close neighbours for several years. In 1944 the villagers were evacuated before the outbreak of the Finno-German ‘Lapland War’ of 1944–1945, in which the German troops annihilated their militar…

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research product

Aitoa kansainvälistymistä?

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Landscapes of Loss and Destruction: Sámi Elders’ Childhood Memories of the Second World War Sámi Elders’ Childhood Memories of the Second World War

The so-called Lapland War between Finland and Germany at the end of the Second World War led to a mass-scale destruction of Lapland. Both local Finnish residents and the indigenous Sami groups lost their homes, and their livelihoods suffered in many ways. The narratives of these deeply traumatic experiences have long been neglected and suppressed in Finland and have been studied only recently by academics and acknowledged in public. In this text, we analyze the interviews with four elders of one Sami village, Vuotso. We explore their memories, from a child’s perspective, scrutinizing the narration as a multilayered affective process that involves sensual and embodied dimensions of memory.

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Pienten ja suurten kertomusten suhde henkilökohtaisen kerronnan analyysin välineinä

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Havainnointi ja haastattelu

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Muistitietotutkimus, folkloristiikka ja etnologia

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Embodied adventures : An experiment on doing and writing multisensory ethnography

Sensory ethnography is a reflexive and experiential process, in which the role of the researcher as embodied subject is crucial. It is based on the idea that all human beings are connected to materiality and the physical environment through their sensing bodies. At the core of sensory ethnography are sensory experiences (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch), and their role in social practices and relations. By studying sensory experiences, one can find nonverbal and seemingly meaningless and self-evident information that affects our everyday life and practices. Although sensory and embodied dimensions are often acknowledged as part of ethnographic knowledge production, textbooks about et…

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Absurdista arjesta kullattuihin muistoihin. Huumori ja nostalgia elämänkerronnan keinoina

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"Das ist Suomi" : photographic representation of Finland for a German audience during the Second World War

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Kerrostuneet tulkinnat : vaikeat lapsuusmuistot muistitietohaastattelussa

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Dark Heritage

Peer reviewed

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Politics of Dress and Appearance

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Nuoret tutkijat kaukana idässä : raportti Conferences of International Committee for Historical Sciences (ICHS/CISH) and International Federation for Research in Women's History (IFRWH) Jinanissa, Kiinassa 23.-29.8.2015.

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Etnografian ulottuvuudet ja mahdollisuudet

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Lapin sodan kullttuuriperintö ja muistin politiikka

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Landscapes of loss and destruction: : Sámi elders’ childhood memories of the second world war

The so-called Lapland War between Finland and Germany at the end of the Second World War led to a mass-scale destruction of Lapland. Both local Finnish residents and the indigenous Sámi groups lost their homes, and their livelihoods suffered in many ways. The narratives of these deeply traumatic experiences have long been neglected and suppressed in Finland and have been studied only recently by academics and acknowledged in public. In this text, we analyze the interviews with four elders of one Sámi village, Vuotso. We explore their memories, from a child’s perspective, scrutinizing the narration as a multilayered affective process that involves sensual and embodied dimensions of memory. ©…

research product

Developing Connective Pedagogy in Cultural Research—A Case Study from the Teachers’ Perspective in Adopting a Problem-Based Approach in Higher Education

The article examines the challenges university teachers face when adopting connective pedagogy in organizing teaching. Instead of studying the learning outcomes of the method, we decided in this research to focus on the teachers&rsquo

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Monikerroksinen ja -ääninen kaupunki : näkökulmia humanistiseen kaupunkitutkimukseen

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Elämäni esineet

Oletko pitänyt tallessa lapsuutesi unilelun? Onko sinulla jokin perintöesine, johon liittyy sukutarina? Kuuluuko jokin tietty esine erottamattomasti juuri sinun kotiisi? Millaiset esineet luovat kodikkuutta? Millaiset raivostuttavat, turhauttavat tai ovat turhia? Omistatko esineitä, joista et haluaisi luopua koskaan? nonPeerReviewed

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Asukasosallisuus alueiden kehittämisessä : näennäisestä rituaalista jatkuvaan vuorovaikutukseen

Osallistuminen oman asuinalueen kehittämiseen on kansalaisille vapaaehtoista, mutta virkamiehille osa työtä ja sen tavoitteita. Millaisia haasteita kuntien ja kaupunkien toteuttamaan asukasosallisuuteen liittyy, ja miten vuoropuhelusta asukkaiden kanssa tulee rakentavaa ja hedelmällistä? nonPeerReviewed

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Tunnetaitoja akateemiseen maailmaan

research product

Remembering and Forgetting, Discovering and Cherishing : Engagements with material culture of war in Finnish Lapland

The Second World War left considerable material remains in Finnish Lapland, ranging from remnants of structures destroyed in the 1944–45 Lapland War, through to small artefacts connected to soldiers, prisoners of war and civilians. These material remains have variously been saved and cherished by survivors and their families, forgotten or disregarded as ‘war junk’, ‘discovered’ by hobbyists, amassed and exchanged by private collectors, and/or accessioned into official museum collections. These various processes represent engagements with material culture of war that take on various meanings and embodiments, depending on the different individuals and organizations involved.We have conducted …

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Introduction : Ethnography with a Twist

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Tehdasyhteisön huumori lujittavana resurssina

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Aistikokemukset ja affektiivisuus arjen materiaalisen kulttuurin tutkimuksessa

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Remembering and Forgetting, Discovering and Cherishing

The events of the Second World War left considerable material remains in Finnish Lapland, ranging from the remnants of structures that were destroyed in the 1944–45 Lapland War, through to small, portable objects connected to soldiers, prisoners of war and civilians. These material remains have variously been saved and cherished by survivors and their families, disregarded as ‘war junk’, ‘discovered’ by hobbyists exploring the landscape, amassed and exchanged by private collectors, and accessioned into official museum collections. These various processes represent transformations of material culture to take on various meanings and embodiments, depending on the different individuals and orga…

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Autobiographical materiality and affects in research of everyday objects

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Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research

Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research: Ethnography with a Twist seeks to rethink ethnography ‘outside the box’ of its previous tradition and to develop ethnographic methods by critically discussing the process, ethics, impact and knowledge production in ethnographic research. This interdisciplinary edited volume argues for a ‘twist’ that supports openness, courage, and creativity to develop and test innovative and unconventional ways of thinking and doing ethnography. ‘Ethnography with a twist’ means both an intentional aim to conduct ethnographic research with novel approaches and methods but also sensitivity to recognize and creativity to utilize different kinds of ‘twist mome…

research product

Hyvistä tyypeistä tietoisuustaitajiin : kriittisiä näkökulmia palvelutalouden työruumiisiin kohdistamiin vaatimuksiin

Kirja-arvio teoksesta Parviainen, Jaana, Taina Kinnunen & Ilmari Kortelainen (toim.) 2016: Ruumiillisuus ja työelämä. Työruumis jälkiteollisessa taloudessa. Tampere: Vastapaino. 254 sivua. nonPeerReviewed

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Editorial: Ethnological Knowledge

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Tunteilla on väliä : tutkijan tunteet etnografisessa tutkimusprosessissa

research product

Public engagements with Lapland’s Dark Heritage: Community archaeology in Finnish Lapland

Research project Lapland’s Dark Heritage organized a one-week public excavation in Inari, Finnish Lapland, at a Second World War (WWII) German military hospital site in August 2016. #InariDig took place with the help of international experts and pre-registered volunteers. In this field report, two of the archaeologists leading the excavations and an ethnographer who took part in documenting this community archaeology experiment introduce the excavation sites and activities reflecting on the engagements with volunteers and local community. peerReviewed

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