Gerlando Mandracchia
In the wide scenario of herbaria housed in the Italian Universities there are very few examples of structures mainly devoted to forest sciences and fungi in forest ecosystems. The “Regio Istituto Superiore Forestale di Vallombrosa” (Tuscany), established in 1869, was the first example of a structure that housed an herbarium with exsiccata of forest trees. In Italy, the southernmost laurea degree course in “Environmental and Forest Sciences” concern the Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences in the University of Palermo (Sicily). Two herbaria (CAT and PAL) are currently present in Sicily with the following specialties: a) Vascular plants, bryophytes, and algae of Mediterranean area, …
Nuove stazioni di Tamarix arborea var. arborea e T. chinensis (Tamaricaceae) in Sicilia
Tamarix arborea (Sieb. Ex Ehrenb.) Bge. var. arborea e T. chinensis Lour. sono due specie ampiamente diffuse sul territorio siciliano dove, oltre ad essere coltivate a scopo ornamentale, da alcuni anni manifestano una chiara tendenza alla spontaneizzazione. Nell’ambito dell’esplorazione floristica del territorio siciliano, finalizzato ad una più esauriente caratterizzazione del genere Tamarix L. in Italia (1, 2, 3), sono state individuate nuove stazioni di Tamarix arborea var. arborea e T. chinensis. Tamarix arborea var. arborea è diffusamente coltivata a San Vito Lo Capo (Trapani) come specie ornamentale, mentre allo stato spontaneo è stata raccolta all’interno della Riserva Naturale Orien…
Nuovi casi di spontaneizzazione di Tamarix parviflora DC. in Sicilia
First record of Tamarix macrocarpa (Tamaricaceae) for Europe
AbstractTamarix macrocarpa, a species with distribution in Central and North Africa, in the countries bordering the Persian Gulf and in Central and western Asia is recorded for the first time for Europe. Pentamerous flowers and androecium diplostemonous characterize this small tree.
A revision of Tamarix specimens (Tamaricaceae) kept in the BCN herbarium of Barcelona (Spain)
The taxonomy of genus Tamarix L. is notoriously controversial and many taxa are still not or wrongly identified. A huge number of tamarisk specimens are kept in the most important herbaria of Spanish universities but many labels needs a deep nomenclatural revision. The Tamarix collection in Universitat de Barcelona (BCN) is composed by 158 samples, collected in different Comunidades Autónomas de España, and corresponding to 14 taxa.
The genus Tamarix (Tamaricaceae) in Sicily: first contribution
First record of Tamarix meyeri (Tamaricaceae) for western Europe
Abstract Field investigations and herbaria reference work carried out in Italy and Spain allowed us to identify wild and cultivated plants of Tamarix meyeri, a new species from western Europe. This small tree is characterized by tetramerous, rarely pentamerous flowers and a paralophic disk.
Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Tamarix L. nell'Isola del Giglio (Arcipelago Toscano)
Gli Autori, sulla base di una revisione dei campioni d'erbario depositati presso l'Università di Firenza e di personali raccolte, forniscono un contributo alla conoscenza delle tamerici dell'Isola del Giglio e propongono una chiave di identificazione dei taxa censiti.
Tamarix arborea var. subvelutina (Tamaricaceae), new from Spain
On the presence of Tamarix africana Poir. var. fluminensis (Maire) Baum. (Tamaricaceae) in Calabria
The tamarisks of southern Calabria (Italy)
Two Rare Northern Entoloma Species Observed in Sicily under Exceptionally Cold Weather Conditions
The biology and ecology of manyEntolomaspecies is still poorly known as well as their geographical distribution. In Italy, there are no studies on the influence of weather on fungal abundance and richness and our knowledge on the ecology and distribution ofEntolomaspecies needs to be improved. The discovery of twoEntolomaspecies in Sicily (southern Italy), reported in the literature as belonging to the habitat of north European countries, was the basis leading to the assumption that anomalous climatic conditions could stimulate the growth of northern entolomas in the southernmost Mediterranean regions. The results of this study show that the presence of northernEntolomaspecies in Sicily is …