Maria Stella Di Trapani
Riflessioni "a margine". Il workshop "Sul margine dell'Orto Botanico di Palermo" dal punto di vista di una storica dell'arte
The paper is the result of a historical research conducted during the Architecture workshop "Sul margine dell'Orto Botanico di Palermo. Spazi per Visiting Professor" ("On the edge of the Botanical Garden of Palermo. Spaces for Visiting Professor"), organized from 24 to 27 September 2018 by the Professors of the University of Palermo Andrea Sciascia, Giuseppe Di Benedetto, Giuseppe Marsala and Antonino Margagliotta and included in the teaching activities of the PhD in Architecture, Arts and Planning. It consists of a descriptive part of the Manifesta12 interventions – the prestigious nomadic Biennial of contemporary art whose last edition took place in Palermo – at the Botanical Garden. This…
Declinazioni del rapporto tra le arti e l'architettura nella prima metà del Novecento: i Palazzi di Giustizia in Sicilia
La tesi affronta la tematica del rapporto tra le arti e l’architettura, ricorrente nei dibattiti culturali sin dalla primigenia antinomia téchne/ars ma di particolare importanza nella prima metà del Novecento. Dapprima la questione viene inquadrata a livello generale, tramite l’analisi di tre episodi peculiari dei primi decenni del ventesimo secolo, ossia: la quinta edizione della Triennale di Milano del 1933, consacrata alla pittura murale; il sesto Convegno Volta del 1936, dedicato al tema “Rapporti dell’architettura con le arti figurative”; la promulgazione della Legge del 2%, che prevedeva la destinazione di almeno la suddetta percentuale, rispetto al totale della spesa preventivata, pe…
Aspetti artistici nei borghi rurali siciliani degli anni Quaranta
The paper analyses the artistic decorations present in the first eight rural villages built in Sicily in 1940 following the law on the colonisation of the Sicilian rural areas. After a brief introduction on the importance of the relationship between art and architecture during Fascism in Italy, the most common types of intervention are presented. They are identified through analyses of the unpublished photographic documentation in box no. 111 of the Accascina Fund, stored in the Regional Library of Palermo, and a bibliographic research both on the historic and on the contemporary sources. Artistic works are distinguishable in religious and civil, and the latter, in turn, in official represe…
La représentation de l’identité sicilienne dans les bâtiments publics du Ventennio fasciste
The intervention, included in the panel of the Conference dedicated to the monumental forms of political and cultural identities, proposed the analysis of some artistic decorations of monumental public building made in Sicily during the fascist regime, such as the pictorial cycle of the Palace of the Prefecture of Ragusa, the bas-reliefs of the Casa del Fascio in Messina and the mosaic of the Maritime Station of the same city. The institutional representation of the collective – the Conference’s main subject of interest – was considered in the light of traditional themes of fascist ideology, such as Labour, and by episodes related to the local context, such as Mussolini’s visits or mythiciz…
Il patrimonio artistico dei primi borghi rurali siciliani di fondazione attraverso la documentazione fotografica del Fondo Accascina
The paper analyzes the unpublished photographic documentation in the box n. 111 of the Accascina Fund, stored in the Sicilian Regional Library of Palermo. This unknown archival heritage is crucial in order to trace the artistic aspects of the first rural villages built in Sicily in 1940, following the law for the colonization of the Sicilian rural areas. Through the analysis of these photos, the decorative works that were found in these villages are identified: today most of them no longer exist and, in some cases, there is no other evidence. In this way, the contribution aims to give value to the lost artistic heri- tage and, indirectly, to this part of the Fund. In addition, it seeks to d…
Recensione di Cometa M. (2017), Il Trionfo della morte di Palermo. Un’allegoria della modernità, Quodlibet, Macerata
Michele Cometa’s book analyzes the fifteenth-century fresco Il Trionfo della Morte (The Triumph of Death), conceived for the courtyard of the Ospedale Grande e Nuovo of Palazzo Sclafani in Palermo and currently housed in the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Abatellis, in the same city. The approach is inspired by Visual Culture studies: there are historical reconstructions and references to previous critical analyses of the pictorial work, but the fresco is interpreted in a new way, considering its narrative structure, thematic clusters as well as the allegories, the medieval topoi and the different cultural influences present in Sicily at the time.
Les détails archéologiques dans les décorations monumentales des bâtiments publics siciliens du XXe siècle : une recherche d’identité
The intervention presented a premise aimed at reconstructing the Greek and Roman past of Sicily, the importance of the archaeological heritage rediscovered during the years of the Grand Tour and the archaeological excavation campaigns between the 18th and early 20th centuries. Subsequently, the presence of «archaeological» details or at least attributable to Greek and Roman classical art and architecture in the monumental decorations of Sicilian public buildings of the 20th century was analyzed, focusing on the period of the fascist regime. Fascist ideology, inspiration from the Roman past for the constitution of the «Third Rome» and references to it in periodicals and Italian architectural…
Arte e architettura nei borghi rurali in Sicilia
The intervention analyzed the artistic aspects of the first eight rural villages built in Sicily in 1940 following the law on the colonisation of the Sicilian rural areas. The artistic decorations present were incorporated into the public architecture of the new villages, especially in churches, "Case del Fascio" and other buildings destined for the common services. They have been identified and classified considering the unpublished photographic documentation in box no. 111 of the Accascina Fund, stored in the Regional Library of Palermo, and the images reproduced by the publications of the time, found through bibliographical researches. Works of art were considered by distinguishing them …
Nascita, evoluzione e prospettive di due insediamenti rurali di colonizzazione: Borgo Carso e La Bazana
In Italy and Spain, under the colonisation policies of the 20th century, different villages were built as a strategic effort to improve rural areas. Overtime such villages have been subject to external and internal drivers of change with direct and indirect effects on its socio-economic, cultural, physical and environmental context. In the face of such challenges and due to the need to adapt to new requirements, activities, and functions, the design ideas that initially steered the development of the villages suffered several shifts. Thus, existing villages of colonisation in Italy and Spain hold valuable information to achieve a better understanding of spatial transformations, expansion pr…