A. Sulli

A geo-statistical predictive approach to the Habitat mapping of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems along the northern Sicily inner continental shelf (southern Mediterranean)

The main aim of this work is to statistically predict the distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) along the continental shelf regions of the northern Sicilian margin (southern Mediterranean). The considered habitats, already mapped in the area on a qualitative base, are the Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa seagrasses and the Coralligenous biocenosis. Posidonia oceanica and Coralligenous are considered as VMEs owing to their value as environmental indicators and biodiversity hotspots in coastal marine areas. For this reason, several actions were aimed in recent years to their complete characterization and mapping. The study area is located in the continental shelf of the n…

research product

Caratterizzazione e Habitat mapping del Coralligeno di piattaforma lungo il margine continentale della Sicilia nord-occidentale

Il Coralligeno di piattaforma è un indicatore ambientale e hotspot di biodiversità nelle zone marine costiere. Poiché esso viene considerato un ecosistema marino vulnerabile, numerose sono le azioni volte alla sua completa caratterizzazione e mappatura. L'obiettivo del lavoro è di confrontare differenti metodologie utilizzate nell’analisi della distribuzione del Coralligeno di piattaforma, applicate al settore offshore della Sicilia nord-occidentale. Il focus del lavoro consiste nell’evidenziare come l’approccio multidisciplinare sia fondamentale nelle fasi di individuazione, caratterizzazione e predizione statistica della distribuzione delle associazioni biocenotiche, al fine di eseguire u…

research product

Seismotectonics in the North-Western Sicily Continental Margin: implications for Geohazard assessment

Active processes in the Northern Sicily Continental Margin (NSCM) have been analysed to produce a seismotectonic map, in order to obtain a useful tool for the assessment of the seismic hazard of the sea-land region. The seismotectonic map is composed of overlapping layers that represent the distribution of different features, such as lithostratigraphy, tectonic elements, seismicity, heat flow, gravimetry, magnetometry, Moho depth, horizontal and vertical movements, submarine landslides, fluid emissions, outlining the mutual relationship and the active structures. The NSCM is suitable to test this approach because it’s located in a transitional area between the Sicilian-Maghrebian chain to t…

research product

Future coastal hazard scenarios. A case study in NE Sicily (Italy)

The coastal dynamics is the result of several causes that contribute to change the balance of beach deposits over time. The beach system is not always able to maintain coastal balance: the factors contributing to this phenomenon are to be found in both natural and anthropogenic spheres. In this context we present the analysis of marine geology and coastal geomorphological data of a sector between Rocca di Caprileone and Tindari (north-eastern Sicily) with the aim to: i) determine their onland-offshore area relationships, ii) analyze which natural features may contribute to coastal retreat, iii) present coastal hazard scenarios. Until fifty years ago the natural balance of this coastal area …

research product

Extensive field mapping in Sicily in the frame of the CARG Project

Rilievi geologici finalizzati alla compilazione di carte geologiche in Sicilia nord-occidentale (Progetto CARG) Vengono descritti i risultati del rilevamento di numerosi fogli geologici a scala 1:50.000 ubicati nella Sicilia settentrionale (dalle Isole Egadi fino ai Monti delle Madonie), eseguito nel quadro del Progetto CARG. I rilievi sul terreno sono stati integrati con i dati di sottosuolo provenienti da profili sismici a riflessione e perforazioni profonde. I risultati ottenuti offrono un quadro a scala regionale dell’assetto stratigrafico-strutturale di uno dei settori più complessi della Catena Siciliano-Maghrebide. Sono state ricostruite le successioni stratigrafiche dei paleodomini …

research product

Habitat mapping of VMEs along the inner shelf regions of the south-western Tyrrhenian margin (southern Mediterranean): a geo-statistical predictive approach

The main aim of this work is to statistically predict the distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) along the continental shelf regions of the northern Sicilian margin (southern Mediterranean). The considered habitats, already mapped in the area on a qualitative base, are the Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa seagrasses and the Coralligenous biocenosis. Posidonia oceanica and Coralligenous are considered as VMEs owing to their value as environmental indicators and biodiversity hotspots in coastal marine areas. For this reason, several actions were aimed in recent years to their complete characterization and mapping. The study area is located in the continental shelf of the n…

research product

Hydrothermal fluid venting in the offshore sector of Campi Flegrei caldera: A geochemical, geophysical, and volcanological study

The ongoing unrest at the Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc) in southern Italy is prompting exploration of its poorly studied offshore sector. We report on a multidisciplinary investigation of the Secca delle Fumose (SdF), a submarine relief known since antiquity as the largest degassing structure of the offshore sector of CFc. We combined high-resolution morphobathymetric and seismostratigraphic data with onshore geological information to propose that the present-day SdF morphology and structure developed during the initial stages of the last CFc eruption at Monte Nuovo in AD 1538. We suggest that the SdF relief stands on the eastern uplifted border of a N-S-trending graben-like structure formed …

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The transition between the Marsili oceanic crust and the W Calabria rifted margin: rifting and drifting in the upper plate of the Ionian subduction zone

The western Calabria continental margin forms the transition between the Late Pliocene to Recent Marsili spreading center and continental Calabria. Integrating highpenetration and -resolution upper crustal seismic images with seafloor morphology, ODP well data and geological/geophysical constraints we provide a detailed reconstruction of the architecture of the distal portion of the W Calabria rifted margin and of the adjacent Marsili “oceanic” domain (Fig. 1) and develop a scheme for the Pliocene to present rifting and drifting of the upper plate of the Ionian subduction zone. Our seismic data document the presence of stretched and thinned continental crust, less than 10 Km thick into the …

research product


The geological, geomorphological and sedimentological features of the north-western Sicily continental shelf are here illustrated with the aim to propose a geological model able to explain the Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Sicilian continental margin in the context of the central Mediterranean region. Above the continental shelf and upper slope the sedimentary succession, showing along the different sectors of the margin considerably variable internal geometry and stratigraphic relationships with the underlying units, is interpreted as a IV order depositional sequence (Late Quaternary Depositional Sequence, LQDS) deposited during the last eustatic change (last 125 ky). The lower bound…

research product

Gathering different marine geology data (seismics, acoustics, sedimentological) to investigate active fluid seepage (AFS) in the southern region of the central Mediterranean Sea

Active Fluid Seepage (AFS) at the seafloor is a global phenomenon associated with seafloor morphologies in different geodynamic contexts. Advances geophysical techniques have allowed geoscientists to characterise pockmarks, mounds and flares associated with AFS. We present a range of marine geological data acquired in the central Mediterranean Sea (northern Sicily continental margin, northwestern Sicily Channel and offshore the Maltese Islands), which allow us to identify AFSs. The AFSs are spatially distributed as clusters, aligned or isolated at different depths, ranging from few decametres offshore the Maltese Islands, up to 400 m offshore north Sicily and in the northwestern Sicily chan…

research product

Long-term earthquake potential of active faults by using coastal and off-shore geological and morphological indicators

Seismogenic fault models and active deformation ones coupled with models of both earthquake rate and earthquake probability were recently used in a time-independent modelling. The integration of models allows to estimates the magnitude, location, and likelihood of potentially damaging earthquake ruptures in regions with high natural seismic hazard. Improvements of these models imply the recognition of the spatial geometry of the larger, active faults, deemed to be the source of the most damaging future earthquakes. However, identifying active faults and calculating their geologic slip rates for deriving earthquake rates are not easy tasks in regions inaccessible to direct field studies like…

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Crustal structures of the Sicily orogene along the SIRIPRO seismic profile

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Morpho-sedimentary setting and evolution of Marettimo Valley (Egadi Islands, Sicily) during middle-late Quaternary: interaction between sea level changes and oceanographic circulation

We present morphological and stratigraphic results coming from surveys acquired in a NNW-SSE trending submarine depression (Marettimo Valley) located in the Egadi Islands (western Sicily offshore). In this area the seafloor is characterized by both depositional and erosional features generated under a variety of sedimentary processes. We identified two seismic facies units that are correlatable to: A) the progradation of shallow water (coastal to offshore) deposits during forced-regression sedimentary process, and B) contourite drifts emplaced by geostrophic currents through the Marettimo Valley. This unusual association of very shallow water contourites and shelf margin deposits originates…

research product

Morphological and structural analysis of the Ustica Island offshore (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) for the definition of the marine geological hazard

research product


Sedimentary dynamics of the Marettimo continental shelf and Marettimo Channel (Egadi Island – Western Mediterranean), have been unveiled based on the erosive and depositional features observed at the seafloor. Different morphologic features were recognized through side scan sonar, multibeam and high-resolution seismics, acquired in the framework of national Research Projects (CARG, GebecSud, MaGIC) carried out by the Department of Earth and Marine Science (former Department of Geology and Geodesy) of the University of Palermo. Sediment samples have been also collected and analyzed. The Egadi Islands are part of the NW Sicilian offshore, and belong to the mountain chain that connects the Sic…

research product

Analisi comparata di metodi di calcolo del run-up per tsunami generati da frana. Casi di studio nel Margine Continentale della Sicilia Settentrionale

Il margine continentale della Sicilia settentrionale è caratterizzato dalla presenza di pericolosità geologiche (sismicità, vulcanismo, risalita di fluidi e movimenti di massa) che espongono questa regione a rischi geologici marini, con potenziale di generazione di tsunami. Gli tsunami sono onde anomale solitarie legate a movimenti verticali improvvisi dei fondali. Le caratteristiche principali di un’onda anomala sono rappresentate dall’elevata lunghezza d'onda e da un’altezza che varia notevolmente durante la propagazione. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di calcolare il run-up associato a tsunami generati da frane. Nel nostro caso sono stati presi in esame due settori della costa set…

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New insights on shallow to intermediate crustal structures of the submerged Apenninic-Maghrebian chain (northern Sicily offshore) coming from the re-processing of the CROP M6A seismic reflection profile

research product

A scenario-based assessment of the tsunami hazard in palermo, northern sicily, and the southern tyrrhenian sea

Palermo is a populous city situated on the northern coast of Sicily, bordered by the Tyrrhenian Sea. This central part of the Mediterranean Sea features dramatic bathymetry, numerous subaqueous landslides and is also the epicentre to many subaqueous earthquakes. As such, the region is an area prone to tsunamis. This investigation uses the Cornell Multi-Grid Coupled Tsunami (COMCOT) tsunami modelling package to simulate five near-field landslides, and five near-field earthquakes regarded as worst-case credible scenarios for Palermo. The seismic simulations produced waves on a very small scale, the largest being c. 5 cm at its maximum height, and none of the earthquake-generated tsunami waves…

research product

The land bridge between Europe and Sicily over the past 40 kyrs: Timing of emersion and implications for the migration of Homo sapiens

The submerged Sill in the Messina Strait, which is located at a depth of -81 m m.s.l., represents the only possibile connection between Calabria and Sicily during the last lowstand, when the sea level was at about -126 m m.s.l. This multidisciplinary research aim at documenting times and modes the bridge between Calabria and Sicily was emerged, during the last 40 ka BP. The analysis carried out on morphobathymetric, lithological and relative sea level change (both isostatic and tectonic) data allow to hypothesize the continental bridge emerged at least between 21.5 ka and 20 ka cal BP. Moreover, considering erosion processes due to very strong marine currents, it could be emerged for a long…

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Active volcano-tectonic deformations: a 3D seismic reflection experiment in the resurgent dome of the NYT Caldera (Pozzuoli Bay, Campi Flegrei, Naples)

An ultra-resolution, 3D seismic reflection data cube was collected during an oceanographic cruise organized in the frame of a joint project involving Italian research institutions, the University of Palermo, Catania and Napoli, CNR of Napoli and INGV Roma, and two companies, the Geo Marine Survey System (The Netherlands) and GeoSurvey (Portugal). The data acquisition approach charted during this cooperation was based on innovative technologies for the offshore imaging of stratigraphy and structures at continental margins with horizontal and vertical resolution at decimetric scale. In this work, we present the methodology used for the 3D HR-seismic reflection data acquisition and the prelimi…

research product

Geohazard assessment of the north-eastern Sicily continental margin (SW Mediterranean): coastal erosion, sea-level rise and retrogressive canyon head dynamics

Coastal dynamics are the result of several processes controlling the balance between sediment input and output over time. The beach system is not always able to maintain a neutral coastal balance due to natural and anthropogenic causes. We present an integrated marine geology, geomorphological and sea-level rise analysis in the coastal sector between Torre delle Ciavole and Capo Calavà (North-Eastern Sicily, Italy).This sector is characterized by high uplift rates and frequent seismicity (mainly generated by the very active Vulcano-Tindari Fault System), promoting the development of mass-wasting processes in the coastal and offshore sectors. A main erosive feature observed in the area is th…

research product

Basins at convergent margins: evolution of the Messinian basins developed on top of the Sicilian Fold and Thrust belt

During the Messinian inherited palaeo-topography and ongoing deformation conditioned the depositional environments of the Mediterranean region, already strongly influenced by the effects of the salinity crisis. It occurred mainly in the central region, where seabed at that time is expected to be very uneven and shallower than Western and Eastern Mediterranean. Indeed in this area as from 15 Ma the Sicilian Fold and Thrust Belt (SFTB) was originating, characterized by a multi-stage evolution. Two main shortening events generated and developed at different structural levels (shallow- and deep-seated thrusts following a thin-skinned thrust-model) and at different time intervals, involved mainl…

research product

Tectonics and seismicity of the Tindari Fault System, southern Italy: Crustal deformations at the transition between ongoing contractional and extensional domains located above the edge of a subducting slab

The Tindari Fault System (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) is a regional zone of brittle deformation located at the transition between ongoing contractional and extensional crustal compartments and lying above the western edge of a narrow subducting slab. Onshore structural data, an offshore seismic reflection profile, and earthquake data are analyzed to constrain the present geometry of the Tindari Fault System and its tectonic evolution since Neogene, including the present seismicity. Results show that this zone of deformation consists of a broad NNW trending system of faults including sets of right-lateral, left-lateral, and extensional faults as well as early strike-slip faults reworked …

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