A. Cusanno
Reshaping End-of-Life components by sheet hydroforming: An experimental and numerical analysis
In this study, a numerical/experimental analysis is proposed to investigate the possibility of reshaping sheet metal-based End-of-Life (EoL) components using sheet Hydroforming (SHF). Returned EoL components are challenging to be reformed, they are usually characterised by high heterogeneity as there are localised thinning areas (caused by the original forming processes), and the overall formability is reduced with respect to the original flat sheet material. The reshaping route was replicated: a deep drawing process was adopted to impart a square feature; subsequently, SHF was performed. The capability of remove the deep drawn feature was analysed with varying Blank-holder force, oil press…
Optimization of the sheet hydroforming process parameters to improve the quality of reshaped EoL components
Abstract. The reshaping of End-of-Life (EoL) components by means of sheet metal forming process has been considered largely attractive, even from the social and economic point of view. At the same time, EoL parts can be often characterized by non-uniform thicknesses or alternation of work-hardened/undeformed zones as the results of the manufacturing process. Such heterogeneity can hinder a proper reshaping of the EoL part and residual marks on the re-formed blanks can be still present at the end of the reshaping step. In a previous analysis, the authors evaluated the effectiveness of reshaping a blank with a deep drawn feature by means of the Sheet Hydroforming (SHF) process: it was demonst…