Kaj Ilmonen
Sosiaalinen pääoma ja luottamus
Luottamuksesta kiinni : ammattiyhdistysliike ja työorganisaation suorituskyky
Työelämän ristiriitainen kuva ja työelämän tutkimus
The Use of and Commitment to Goods
In social theory, goods have usually not been included in the social world. However, in the sociology of consumption, they have been seen as mediating social relations and offering opportunities to make social distinctions. It is precisely the symbolic aspect of goods that makes this possible. In helping to make these distinctions, goods are only given a passive role in our lives. They only get to function as markers of social differences, tastes, and so on. However, the use value of goods cannot be reduced to their symbolic aspect. Generally speaking, the use value also has two other aspects which I will call the ‘functionality’ and ‘productivity’ of goods. I am going to argue that becaus…