Kimmo Jokinen
Arvostelijat : suomalaiset kriitikot ja heidän työnsä
Taiteen ja kulttuurin arvioimiseen ottavat osaa monet ryhmät, muun muassa taiteilijat, kustantajat, markkinoijat, rahoittajat, kasvattajat ja yleisö. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan tämän määrittelijäketjun yhtä rengasta, arvostelijoita. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan suomalaisen arvostelijakunnan rakennetta ja arvostelutyön luonnetta. Lisäksi esitellään kriitikoiden näkemyksiä taiteesta ja kritiikin tehtävistä. Suomalaiset arvostelijat ovat keskimäärin keski-ikäisiä, erittäin hyvin koulutettuja, yläkanttiin keskiluokkaisia etelä-Suomen kaupunkilaisia: miehiä on enemmän kuin naisia. Vain harva saa arvosteluista pääasiallisen toimeentulonsa, työtä pidetään kutsumuksena. Tärkein erottava tekijä on sukupu…
Suomalaisen lukemisen maisemaihanteet
Predictors of completion of upper secondary education of young adults with severe physical and multiple disabilities in Finland
ABSTRACTPrior studies have shown that young adults with severe physical and multiple disabilities are less likely to complete upper secondary education. This study aimed to identify whether these s...
Uusi Tuntematon : Rauni Mollbergin ohjaaman Tuntematon sotilas -elokuvan ensi-illan aikainen vastaanotto
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Rauni Mollbergin ohjaaman Tuntemattoman sotilaan vastaanottoa. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin Tuntemattoman sotilaan uuden elokuvaversion katsojia ensi-illan jälkeen joulukuussa 1985 Helsingissä ja Jyväskylässä. Lisäksi tutustuttiin elokuvaan liittyneeseen lehtikirjoitteluun puolen vuoden ajan. Uuden elokuvan reseptiota verrataan alkuperäisen romaanin sekä Edvin Laineen ohjaaman vanhan Tuntemattoman vastaanottoon. Julkaisussa on englanninkielinen tiivistelmä.
A Mobile-Assisted Working Model for Supporting Daily Family Life
Despite rapid technological development, very few new technology-assisted tools have been developed specifically for use in family services. This article describes a new, mobile-assisted working model designed to enhance the quality of daily family life. The model has its origins in the existing research on daily family life and on the diary method, which has been widely used in data collection in family research. The model provides support for the daily life of client families in the intervals between meetings with family counselors via the use of text messages. The pilot study explored family members’ and family counselors’ experiences of using the model. Data on 26 parents and four chil…
Childhood reproduced: images of childhood represented in children's daily lives in home and day-care settings
ABSTRACTThis study explores images of childhood by analysing children's pictorial representations and accompanying captions. The focus is on how children together with adults represent childhood in the home and daycare settings in a oneweek diary study. The key analytical tool was framing, which is used to highlight what kinds of images are (re)produced and narrated. The frames that emerged were (1) portrayal of the child via cultural products and societal relations, (2) portrayal of the child via individuality, relationships and attachment, (3) the child as a symbol of capabilities, and (4) the child as a learner. While illustrating how childhood was intertwined with consumption, cultural …
Iloiset ja virkeät, kiukkuiset ja väsyneet – lapset esiopetuksessa
Nuorten aikuisten käsityksiä tulevaisuuden perheistä
Children with their dreams – what kind of reveries are accepted in school context?
The media and the contemporary consumer culture are central categories in modern childhood. They have opened new kinds of experiences and learning situations for children. In this article we are interested in the role of the media and consumption in schoolchildren's daily life. The data consist of writings and drawings of 7–12-year-old schoolchildren. Children have told us about their dreams, social worlds and doings in the mediated world. By asking children about all these things we are most likely able to find out how modern childhood and the learning situations in the class are influenced by the media and consumer goods. It is important to analyse children's experiences in the virtual en…
Researching Children’s Multiple Family Relations: Social Network Maps and Life-Lines as Methods
Visual methods are reported to have certain advantages when conducting interviews on sensitive topics, such as intimate spaces, home-related ethical issues, and vulnerable families. In this article, we concentrate on two visual methods: social network maps and life-lines. In our research project on children’s well-being and emotional security in multiple family relations, we collected data by interviewing children and asking them to complete social network maps and life-lines. We discuss the suitability of these two visual methods for describing children’s close relationships with their family members and significant others. Combining these two methods during an interview process with child…
A Mobile Diary Method for Studying Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotions : A Pilot Study
Researching children’s and adolescents’ emotions from their own perspectives possesses special requirements for the data collection tools used. In this study, children’s and early adolescents’ emotions were investigated using a mobile diary method. The article describes and evaluates this data collection method and presents empirical results on fluctuation in the emotions of children and adolescents (n = 60, aged 7–14 years). The data, in the form of short text messages, were collected over one week. Every evening, children received seven questions on their emotions. Multilevel modeling was used to analyze the data. The results illustrate the potential of the mobile diary method with childr…
Encountering ethics in studying challenging family relations
This article focuses on ethical considerations in the study of challenging family relations. Our perspective derives from multidisciplinary family studies, including social sciences, psychology and educational sciences. Our concerns include why and how to apply a sensitive approach in studying challenging family relations, and what the key ethical issues are in studies of this kind. We examine questions of multiplicity in family relations, the particularity of vulnerable family relations and the roles of researchers and gatekeepers in the research process. The article is based on a research project where informants were both children and adults, and both qualitative and quantitative data we…
Ostajat, lukijat, arvioijat, tukijat : lukijoiden ja kriitikoiden kirjallisuus suuren muuton jälkeisessä Suomessa
Tutkimuksessa verrataan lukijoiden ja kirjallisuuskriitikoiden suosikkikirjallisuutta. Aineistona ovat Helsingin Sanomissa vuosina 1967-87 julkaistut "Nämä kirjat käyvät kaupaksi...mutta älkää unohtako näitä" -listat, joissa esitellään hyvin kaupaksi käynyttä kirjallisuutta ja kriitikoiden arvostamaa kirjallisuutta. Listojen perusteella selvitetään näiden kahden kirjallisuuden kentän välisiä yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja. Tähän liittyen kartoitetaan myös korkea- ja populaarikulttuurista käytyä keskustelua. Kirjallisuuden perusteella yritetään lisäksi vastata kysymykseen, millainen on Suuren muuton jälkeinen suomalainen kulttuuri: mistä tulevat kulttuuriset vaikutteet, ja säilyykö suomalainen yhte…
Stepmothers’ constructions and negotiations of belonging
Applying a narrative approach and symbolic interactionist frame of reference, this study examines how Finnish stepmothers in their written narratives construct and negotiate their belonging. Belonging is a relevant concept in this study since it focuses on social interaction and intersubjectivity, and their emotional content. Three types of belonging were identified: (a) restricted belonging, (b) dyadic stepmother–stepchild belonging and (c) the spousal relationship as a focal dyad of belonging. Attainment of belonging may be especially challenging for stepmothers owing to their dependence on the willingness of the biological mother and father to share the emotional dimension of the parent–…
Relationaalinen itseys ja sosiaalinen side teoriassa ja empiriassa
The relational self, the social bond and the dynamics of personal relationships : a sociological analysis / Kaisa Ketokivi. Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2010.
Perinteiset perheet, moninaiset perheet
Young Men in Digital Culture: A New Form of Informal Learning?
In this chapter, the interest lies in the role of the media in young people’s and young adults’ everyday life. Of special interest is the idea of virtual environments as a learning environment, because the aspects of media, virtual realities and learning are socially important and scientifically challenging. In the analysis, three main areas are taken into consideration: First, the discussion on new learning models; second, the progress of information technology; and third, the gap between the styles of learning inside and outside the school. The study focused on young men who practically live in the online world, either playing or talking with each other via online gaming and social portal…
Stepmothers in narratives : negotiations on relatedness
This study contributes to the existing stepmother research by focusing on interaction as an aspect of stepmother identity construction. Accordingly, identity is seen as negotiated through interaction with other family members. A narrative approach applied to 58 stories written by Finnish stepmothers yielded three identity types: identity restricted by a biological mother, stepmother-centred identity, and team parenthood identity. The most dominant feature, common to all the stories, was that stepmothers perceived themselves primarily in relation to the children’s biological mothers, a stance that often led them to feel threatened. Stepmother identity construction appeared to be problematic …
Subjective quality of life among youth with severe physical disabilities during the transition to adulthood in Finland
Purpose: This study examined the subjective quality of life among youth with severe physical disabilities during the transition to adulthood.Method: A purposive sample of 74 youths (mean age 20.19)...
Luottamus modernissa maailmassa
Children’s Emotions in Educational Settings: Teacher Perceptions from Australia, China, Finland, Japan and Spain
The transition to formal education is a critical transition in children’s lives that has importance for socio-emotional and behavioral functioning. In the transition process, teachers are key players who work intensively with children and their families. This article focuses on teachers’ perceptions of children´s socio-emotional behavior during the transition from preschool to primary school. We collected qualitative teacher interviews from 112 teachers from five different countries—Australia, China, Finland, Japan and Spain. The research questions were: (1) How do teachers in the five countries perceive children’s abilities in expressing and regulating emotions. (2) How are children’s emot…