Giuseppe Metere

A note on strong protomodularity, actions and quotients

Abstract In order to study the problems of extending an action along a quotient of the acted object and along a quotient of the acting object, we investigate some properties of the fibration of points. In fact, we obtain a characterization of protomodular categories among quasi-pointed regular ones, and, in the semi-abelian case, a characterization of strong protomodular categories. Eventually, we return to the initial questions by stating the results in terms of internal actions.

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Bourn-normal monomorphisms in regular Mal’tsev categories

Normal monomorphisms in the sense of Bourn describe the equivalence classes of an internal equivalence relation. Although the definition is given in the fairly general setting of a category with finite limits, later investigations on this subject often focus on protomodular settings, where normality becomes a property. This paper clarifies the connections between internal equivalence relations and Bourn-normal monomorphisms in regular Mal’tesv categories with pushouts of split monomorphisms along arbitrary morphisms, whereas a full description is achieved for quasi-pointed regular Mal’tsev categories with pushouts of split monomorphisms along arbitrary morphisms.

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In this paper we show that in a homological category in the sense of F. Borceux and D. Bourn, the notion of an internal precrossed module corresponding to a star-multiplicative graph, in the sense of G. Janelidze, can be obtained by directly internalizing the usual axioms of a crossed module, via equivariance. We then exhibit some sufficient conditions on a homological category under which this notion coincides with the notion of an internal crossed module due to G. Janelidze. We show that this is the case for any category of distributive Omega(2)-groups, in particular for the categories of groups with operations in the sense of G. Orzech.

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Semidirect products of internal groupoids

We give a characterization of those finitely complete categories with initial object and pushouts of split monomorphisms that admit categorical semidirect products. As an application we examine the case of groupoids with fixed set of objects. Further, we extend this to the internal case. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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The ziqqurath of exact sequences of n-groupoids

In this work we study exactness in the sesqui-category of n-groupoids. Using homotopy pullbacks, we construct a six term sequence of (n-1)-groupoids from an n-functor between pointed n-groupoids. We show that the sequence is exact in a suitable sense, which generalizes the usual notions of exactness for groups and categorical groups. Moreover, iterating the process, we get a ziqqurath of exact sequences of increasing length and decreasing dimension. For n = 1 we recover a classical result due to R. Brown and, for n = 2 its generalizations due to Hardie, Kamps and Kieboom and to Duskin, Kieboom and Vitale.

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Fibred-categorical obstruction theory

Abstract We set up a fibred categorical theory of obstruction and classification of morphisms that specialises to the one of monoidal functors between categorical groups and also to the Schreier-Mac Lane theory of group extensions. Further applications are provided to crossed extensions and crossed bimodule butterflies, with in particular a classification of non-abelian extensions of unital associative algebras in terms of Hochschild cohomology.

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Extension theory and the calculus of butterflies

Abstract This paper provides a unified treatment of two distinct viewpoints concerning the classification of group extensions: the first uses weak monoidal functors, the second classifies extensions by means of suitable H 2 -actions. We develop our theory formally, by making explicit a connection between (non-abelian) G-torsors and fibrations. Then we apply our general framework to the classification of extensions in a semi-abelian context, by means of butterflies [1] between internal crossed modules. As a main result, we get an internal version of Dedecker's theorem on the classification of extensions of a group by a crossed module. In the semi-abelian context, Bourn's intrinsic Schreier–M…

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The snail lemma for internal groupoids

Abstract We establish a generalized form both of the Gabriel-Zisman exact sequence associated with a pointed functor between pointed groupoids, and of the Brown exact sequence associated with a fibration of pointed groupoids. Our generalization consists in replacing pointed groupoids with groupoids internal to a pointed regular category with reflexive coequalizers.

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External derivations of internal groupoids

If His a G-crossed module, the set of derivations of Gin H is a monoid under the Whitehead product of derivations. We interpret the Whitehead product using the correspondence between crossed modules and internal groupoids in the category of groups. Working in the general context of internal groupoids in a finitely complete category, we relate derivations to holomorphisms, translations, affine transformations, and to the embedding category of a groupoid. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Bipullbacks of fractions and the snail lemma

Abstract We establish conditions giving the existence of bipullbacks in bicategories of fractions. We apply our results to construct a π 0 - π 1 exact sequence associated with a fractor between groupoids internal to a pointed exact category.

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Peiffer product and peiffer commutator for internal pre-crossed modules

In this work we introduce the notions of Peiffer product and Peiffer commutator of internal pre-crossed modules over a fixed object B, extending the corresponding classical notions to any semi-abelian category C. We prove that, under mild additional assumptions on C, crossed modules are characterized as those pre-crossed modules X whose Peiffer commutator 〈X, X〉 is trivial. Furthermore we provide suitable conditions on C (fulfilled by a large class of algebraic varieties, including among others groups, associative algebras, Lie and Leibniz algebras) under which the Peiffer product realizes the coproduct in the category of crossed modules over B.

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On Fibrations Between Internal Groupoids and Their Normalizations

We characterize fibrations and $$*$$ -fibrations in the 2-category of internal groupoids in terms of the comparison functor from certain pullbacks to the corresponding strong homotopy pullbacks. As an application, we deduce the internal version of the Brown exact sequence for $$*$$ -fibrations from the internal version of the Gabriel–Zisman exact sequence. We also analyse fibrations and $$*$$ -fibrations in the category of arrows and study when the normalization functor preserves and reflects them. This analysis allows us to give a characterization of protomodular categories using strong homotopy kernels and a generalization of the Snake Lemma.

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Obstruction theory in action accessible categories

Abstract We show that, in semi-abelian action accessible categories (such as the categories of groups, Lie algebras, rings, associative algebras and Poisson algebras), the obstruction to the existence of extensions is classified by the second cohomology group in the sense of Bourn. Moreover, we describe explicitly the obstruction to the existence of extensions in the case of Leibniz algebras, comparing Bourn cohomology with Loday–Pirashvili cohomology of Leibniz algebras.

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Distributors and the comprehensive factorization system for internal groupoids

In this note we prove that distributors between groupoids in a Barr-exact category epsilon form the bicategory of relations relative to the comprehensive factorization system in Gpd(epsilon). The case epsilon = Set is of special interest.

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Discrete and Conservative Factorizations in Fib(B)

AbstractWe focus on the transfer of some known orthogonal factorization systems from$$\mathsf {Cat}$$Catto the 2-category$${\mathsf {Fib}}(B)$$Fib(B)of fibrations over a fixed base categoryB: the internal version of thecomprehensive factorization, and the factorization systems given by (sequence of coidentifiers, discrete morphism) and (sequence of coinverters, conservative morphism) respectively. For the class of fibrewise opfibrations in$${\mathsf {Fib}}(B)$$Fib(B), the construction of the latter two simplify to a single coidentifier (respectively coinverter) followed by an internal discrete opfibration (resp. fibrewise opfibration in groupoids). We show how these results follow from thei…

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Profunctors in Mal’tsev categories and fractions of functors

We study internal profunctors and their normalization under various conditions on the base category. In the Mal'tsev case we give an easy characterization of profunctors. Moreover, when the base category is regular with any regular epimorphism effective for descent, we characterize those profunctors which are fractions of internal functors with respect to weak equivalences. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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A Push Forward Construction and the Comprehensive Factorization for Internal Crossed Modules

In a semi-abelian category, we give a categorical construction of the push forward of an internal pre-crossed module, generalizing the pushout of a short exact sequence in abelian categories. The main properties of the push forward are discussed. A simplified version is given for action accessible categories, providing examples in the categories of rings and Lie algebras. We show that push forwards can be used to obtain the crossed module version of the comprehensive factorization for internal groupoids.

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Normalities and Commutators

We first compare several algebraic notions of normality, from a categorical viewpoint. Then we introduce an intrinsic description of Higgins' commutator for ideal-determined categories, and we define a new notion of normality in terms of this commutator. Our main result is to extend to any semi-abelian category the following well-known characterization of normal subgroups: a subobject K is normal in A if. and only if, {[A, K] <= K. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.}

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Split extensions, semidirect product and holomorph of categorical groups

Working in the context of categorical groups, we show that the semidirect product provides a biequivalence between actions and points. From this biequivalence, we deduce a two-dimensional classification of split extensions of categorical groups, as well as the universal property of the holomorph of a categorical group. We also discuss the link between the holomorph and inner autoequivalences.

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Fibered aspects of Yoneda's regular span

In this paper we start by pointing out that Yoneda's notion of a regular span $S \colon \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{A} \times \mathcal{B}$ can be interpreted as a special kind of morphism, that we call fiberwise opfibration, in the 2-category $\mathsf{Fib}(\mathcal{A})$. We study the relationship between these notions and those of internal opfibration and two-sided fibration. This fibrational point of view makes it possible to interpret Yoneda's Classification Theorem given in his 1960 paper as the result of a canonical factorization, and to extend it to a non-symmetric situation, where the fibration given by the product projection $Pr_0 \colon \mathcal{A} \times \mathcal{B} \to \mathcal{A}$ i…

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Butterflies in a Semi-Abelian Context

It is known that monoidal functors between internal groupoids in the category Grp of groups constitute the bicategory of fractions of the 2-category Grpd(Grp) of internal groupoids, internal functors and internal natural transformations in Grp, with respect to weak equivalences (that is, internal functors which are internally fully faithful and essentially surjective on objects). Monoidal functors can be equivalently described by a kind of weak morphisms introduced by B. Noohi under the name of butterflies. In order to internalize monoidal functors in a wide context, we introduce the notion of internal butterflies between internal crossed modules in a semi-abelian category C, and we show th…

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Braided and symmetric internal groupoids

Braided and symmetric internal groupoids in semi-abelian categories are discussed.

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On Pseudofunctors Sending Groups to 2-Groups

For a category B with finite products, we first characterize pseudofunctors from B to Cat whose corresponding opfibration is cartesian monoidal. Among those, we then characterize the ones which extend to pseudofunctors from internal groups to 2-groups. If B is additive, this is the case precisely when the corresponding opfibration has groupoidal fibres.

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A note on strong protomodularity, actions and quotients

We investigate some properties of the fibration of points. We obtain a characterization of protomodular categories among pointed regular ones, and, in the semi-abelian case, a characterization of strong protomodularity. Everything is also stated in terms of internal actions.

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