A. Brancati
An Improved Hierarchical ACA Technique for Sound Absorbent Materials
This paper presents an improved adaptive cross approximation (ACA) approach developed in conjunction with the Hierarchical format matrix and the GMRES solver. A novel scheme to generate the cluster tree (based upon preliminary considerations of the prescribed boundary conditions) and an improved ACA algorithm (approximating the system matrix for mixed Robin conditions) are described. The asymptotic smoothness property of a kernel generated by a linear combination of two asymptotic smooth kernels is demonstrated. Numerical results show the new approach to be up to 50% faster than the conventional ACA approach.
Hierarchical adaptive cross approximation GMRES technique for solution of acoustic problems using the boundary element method
In this paper a new Rapid Acoustic Boundary Element Method (RABEM) is presented using a Hierarchical GMRES solver for 3D acoustic problems. The Adaptive Cross Approximation is used to generate both the system matrix and the right hand side vector. The ACA is also used to evaluate the potential and the particle velocity values at selected internal points. Two different GMRES solution strategies (without preconditioner and with a block diagonal preconditioner) are developed and tested for low and high frequency problems. Implementation of different boundary conditions (i.e. Dirichlet, Neumann and mixed Robin) is also described. The applications presented include the problem of noise acting on…
The Italian observational study on severe osteoporosis (ISSO): 24-month results on incidence of fractures and adherence to treatment
Objective To estimate the proportion of patients with very severe osteoporosis (those covered by the reimbursement criteria of the Italian National Health Service) experiencing new vertebral and non-vertebral fragility fractures in the first 24 months of a new anti-osteoporosis treatment. Methods Prospective observational study in men and post-menopausal women (aged > 21 years) initiating anti-osteoporosis treatment for very severe osteoporosis. Eligibility was based on teriparatide (TPD) reimbursement criteria in Italy: Incident of vertebral or hip fracture during anti-resorptive treatment (minimum 1 year), or at least three prevalent severe vertebral fractures, or two prevalent severe ver…