M. Soler Peiro
Factores pronósticos del resultado clínico de las prótesis de cabeza de radio
espanolObjetivo. El sobredimensionamiento de las protesis de cabeza del radio se ha asociado a resultados clinicos no satisfactorios junto aerosiones de capitellum. El objetivo del estudio es identificar los factores, tanto clinicos como radiologicos que han influido en nuestra serie. Material y metodo. Estudio analitico transversal de una muestra de 31 pacientes entre 2005 y 2017 con un seguimiento medio de 5 anos. Analisis de variables cualititativas de edad, sexo, tipo de lesion y tipo de tratamiento utilizado y analisis del tamano del implante, mediante mediciones radiologicas (implante y margen proximal de la fosa sigmoidea cubital y angulo ulnohumeral lateral) realizadas por evaluador…
Desalineación severa de miembros inferiores en paciente con raquitismo hipofosfatémico. Tratamiento secuencial con osteotomías hasta la artroplastia total de rodillas : a propósito de un caso
Total knee arthroplasty is the treatment of choice in patients with osteoarthritis. This intervention not only replaces the damaged joint surfaces, even it can correct misalignments of the axes of the femur and tibia. However, there are situations in which the misalignments are so severe, and also, affect not only the epiphysis, even the entire femur and / or tibia, which require corrective surgeries of such misalignments. We present a case of a patient with hypophosphatemic rickets with realignment osteotomies to achieve a mechanical normo-axis that prevents the failure of the arthroplasty.
Comparación de los requerimientos de sangre y estancia hospitalaria tras la implantación del protocolo fast track en prótesis total de rodilla.
Objectives. To analyse the differences in blood requirements and length of stay in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty during the period before and after the implementation of the fast track protocol. Material and methods. Retrospective observational follow-up study or cohorts. The variables under study were: initial and minimum haemoglobin, number of patients and units transfused and days of hospital stay. For the comparisons, the chi-square and U-Mann Whitney statistics were calculated. Values of p?0.05 were considered significant. Results. A sample of 189 patients was studied. The pre- and post-implementation values for the variables under study were: minimum haemoglobin 10.2 vs.…