Alexander Egoyan
On the Influence of Air Resistance and Wind during Long Jump
In this article we perform theoretical analysis of long jumps with the purpose to find contribution of air resistance and wind into final results. It appears that in the absence of wind the drag effect during a long-jump would reduce the jump by no more than 1%. The wind has a significant effect mainly because of changes in take-off values. The faster the athlete runs, the greater the horizontal velocity at the instant he/she touches the take-off board and the greater the take-off velocity. The model predicts an increase in jump distance up to 23 cm from a jump on a still day to a jump by the same athlete with 2 ms 1 tailwind (the allowable limit for records).
In this work a new solution to the hard problem of consciousness using multidimensional approach [1-3] is proposed. It is shown that our perceptions may be interpreted as elastic oscillations of a two dimensional membrane with closed topology embedded in our brains. According to the model our universe is also a three dimensional elastic membrane embedded into the higher dimensional space-time. The model allows us to create a unified world picture where physical and perceptual aspects of the reality are complementary. We can observe our 2d self-membranes through our perceptions, which are encoded in elastic oscillations of the elastic membrane. According to the theory, elastic membranes occu…
Equilibrium and Stability of the Upright Human Body
We propose a new parameterization for describing forward and backward leanings of the straight human body with the feet fixed on the ground. During this motion stability of static equilibrium of the upright human body depends on the basic parameters such as coordinates XCG and YCG of the center of gravity of the body in the upright position and the radius R of the base of support. We introduce two coefficients k1= YCG/R and k2= XCG/R which are enough to calculate critical values of the angle α between the vertical axis OY and the axis of the cylinder the body is fitted into. We have calculated critical values αcr′ and αcr′′ when the body becomes unstable during leanings back and forward cor…
In this work a new approach to multidimensional geometry based on smooth infinitesimal analysis (SIA) is proposed. An embedded surface in this multidimensional geometry will look different for the external and internal observers: from the outside it will look like a composition of infinitesimal segments, while from the inside like a set of points equipped by a metric. The geometry is elastic. Embedded surfaces possess dual metric: internal and external. They can change their form in the bulk without changing the internal metric.
The Role of Physics in Science Integration
Special and General theories of relativity may be considered as the most significant examples of integrative thinking. From these works we see that Albert Einstein attached great importance to how we understand geometry and dimensions. It is shown that physics powered by the new multidimensional elastic geometry is a reliable basis for science integration. Instead of searching for braneworlds (elastic membranes - EM) in higher dimensions we will start by searching them in our 3+ dimensional world. The cornerstone of the new philosophy is an idea that lower dimensional EMs are an essential component of the living matter, they are responsible for our perceptions, intellect, pattern recognitio…
In this work a conceptual basis for multidimensional physics (MD physics) is proposed. The new physics is based on the elastic model of multidimensional geometry [1]. Reality may be considered as the process of time evolution of holistic macro objects - elastic membranes. An embedded membrane in this multidimensional world will look different for the external and internal observers: from the outside it will look like a material object with smooth infinitesimal geometry, while from the inside our Universe-like space-time fabric. When interacting with elementary particles and other membranes, a membrane will transform their energy into its elastic energy (a new form of energy) - the energy of…
Explanation of Qualia and Self-Awareness Using Elastic Membrane Concept
In this work we show that our self-awareness and perception may be successfully explained using two dimensional holistic structures with closed topology embedded into our brains - elastic membranes. These membranes are able to preserve their structure during conscious processes. Their elastic oscillations may be associated with our perceptions, where the frequency of the oscillations is responsible for the perception of different colors, sounds and other stimuli, while the amplitude of the oscillations is responsible for the feeling of a distance. According to the model the squeezed regions of a membrane correspond to the brain zones involved into awareness and attention. The model may be u…