Tamburello G

Fatal necrotising fasciitis associated with intramuscolar injection of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs after uncomplicated endoscopic polipectomy

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A Literary Fascination with China: Three Contemporary Novels by 'Foreign' Writers.

L'articolo prende in considerazione opere di tre autori, due australiani, Nicholas Jose e Gail Jones, e uno italiano, Isaia Iannaccone, i quali, secondo una tendenza oggi piuttosto diffusa, presentano forti collegamenti con la Cina. The paper is about a contemporary tendency among writers from non-Chinese countries to write novels that present deep connections with China. The authors taken into consideration are from Australia: Nicholas Jose and Gail Jones, and from Italy: Isaia Iannaccone.

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La gaozhong o scuola secondaria di secondo grado nel sistema scolastico della Repubblica Popolare Cinese

L'articolo inquadra la scuola secondaria di secondo grado, gaozhong, nel sistema scolastico cinese. Il XX secolo in Cina si caratterizza per una successione di trasformazioni epocali che nel tempo hanno cambiato il volto del Paese. In particolare, dopo la conclusione del lungo e contraddittorio decennio della Rivoluzione culturale (1966-1976), che aveva determinato la chiusura delle scuole secondarie di ogni grado e delle università con la successiva dispersione degli studenti nelle aree rurali, è stato necessario ricostruire il sistema scolastico nella sua interezza. Infatti, le scuole non erano più praticabili, molti professori erano stati sottoposti a critica e gli studenti erano stati a…

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Turmoil at Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica): Degassing and eruptive processes inferred from high-frequency gas monitoring.

Abstract Eruptive activity at Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica) has escalated significantly since 2014, causing airport and school closures in the capital city of San José. Whether or not new magma is involved in the current unrest seems probable but remains a matter of debate as ash deposits are dominated by hydrothermal material. Here we use high‐frequency gas monitoring to track the behavior of the volcano between 2014 and 2015 and to decipher magmatic versus hydrothermal contributions to the eruptions. Pulses of deeply derived CO2‐rich gas (CO2/Stotal > 4.5) precede explosive activity, providing a clear precursor to eruptive periods that occurs up to 2 weeks before eruptions, which are acc…

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Conduit dynamics and post explosion degassing on Stromboli: A combined UV camera and numerical modeling treatment.

Abstract Recent gas flux measurements have shown that Strombolian explosions are often followed by periods of elevated flux, or “gas codas,” with durations of order a minute. Here we present UV camera data from 200 events recorded at Stromboli volcano to constrain the nature of these codas for the first time, providing estimates for combined explosion plus coda SO2 masses of ≈18–225 kg. Numerical simulations of gas slug ascent show that substantial proportions of the initial gas mass can be distributed into a train of “daughter bubbles” released from the base of the slug, which we suggest, generate the codas, on bursting at the surface. This process could also cause transitioning of slugs i…

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