Felipe Querol Giner
Cervicalgia postraumática: fisioterapia
La cervicalgia representa una de las lesiones más frecuentes de atención en consulta para fisioterapeutas, traumatólogos, médicos rehabilitadores, médicos forenses y médicos valoradores del daño corporal. Concretamente la cervicalgia postraumática, también conocida con otros términos como esguince cervical, latigazo cervical o el anglicismo “whiplash”, presenta una alta incidencia (en España la DGT señala más de 48000 casos por año). Para el tratamiento de la cervicalgia postraumática existen escasos protocolos estrictos de fisioterapia que determinen sus características: resultados de las exploraciones pre y post tratamiento, técnicas, dosis, tiempos, frecuencia de las sesiones y su duraci…
Physiotherapy students´ experiences about ethical situations encountered in their clinical practices : A qualitative study
Background: It is important to explore the ethical situations that physiotherapy students encountered in their clinical practices. (2) Methods: Qualitative, explorative, descriptive study. The participants included third-year physiotherapy students. They had to write five narratives about ethical situations encountered in their clinical practices. Krippendorff's method for qualitative content analysis was used to cluster units within the data to identify emergent themes. The study protocol was approved by the authors' University Ethic Committee of Human Research (H1515588244257). (3) Result: 280 narratives were reported by 64 students (23.34 ± 4.20 years, 59% women). Eight categories were i…