Franz Fischer
Consolidation Comes with Practice: On Ending a Prime Exploratory Journey in the Digital and Public Humanities
With this second issue of magazén’s 2021 volume we are drawing towards the end of a research journey, which involved dozens of international scholars mutually pondering what kind of methodological consolidation was in sight for the wider and heterogeneous field of digital and public humanities after more than two decades in the making.
Of Consolidation and Canons in a Heterogeneous Field Called Digital and Public Humanities
Introduction to magazén issue 2.1 (2021) on "Consolidation" of models, methods and practices in the field of Digital and Public Humanities.
A New Venture and a Commitment to Disciplinary Fusion in the Domain of Digital and Public Humanities
First introduction to Magazén
By Way of Another Editorial on Fusions in the Digital and Public Humanities
This second issue of magazén closes the inaugural volume 2020 and thematically follows high on the heels of the first one, as they are both connected to the topic of ‘fusions’, a term which in our intentions functions as a picklock to investigate recent developments in the wider field of digital and public humanities.
[Re]Constructing Lost Realities, Possible Worlds and Future Perspectives Through Digital and Public Humanities
The 2022 volume of Magazén is devoted to practical aspects in the Digital and Public Humanities. The first issue is thus entitled [re]constructions, focusing on the wide array of practices that prospered in our wide field for [re]configuring lost realities, [re]creating long gone dimensions, [re]building likely scenarios, [re]considering exhibition settings, and [re]covering disappeared traces of historical and cultural value.
CONSOLIDATION in the Digital and Public Humanities
magazén - International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities is the interdisciplinary journal of the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) based at the Department of Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice undergoing double blind peer review and published twice per year in open access by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. The articles of this volume focus on the consolidation of scholarly practices and research models circulating in the international scholarly context of Digital and Public Humanities addressing the concept of ‘consolidations’ from different perspectives and with different methodological approaches and presenting a varied and yet intertwined landscape.