Spatial distribution of phytoplankton and picocyanobacteria in Lake Tanganyika in March and April 1998
The spatial distribution of phytoplankton and picocyanobacteria was studied in Lake Tanganyika in relation to environmental factors. Sampling was conducted within three weeks during the wet season of 1998 when the water column stratification was most stable. The secchi depth varied between 11 and 16 m, except off the river Malagarasi (3 m). The depth of the euphotic zone was 33 to 56 m. Altogether, 218 phytoplankton taxa were identified. Their total biomass varied between 13 and 88 mg m−3 fresh weight. Picocyanobacteria were present at very high densities (104 to 6 × 10 5 cells ml−1). The influence of the river Malagarasi appeared to spread along the water surface because of the lower densi…