S. Triolo
Some classes of quasi *-algebras
In this paper we will continue the analysis undertaken in [1] and in [2] [20] our investigation on the structure of Quasi-local quasi *-algebras possessing a sufficient family of bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms. In this paper it is shown that any Quasi-local quasi *-algebras (A, A0), possessing a ”sufficient state” can be represented as non-commutative L2- spaces.
CQ *-algebras of measurable operators
Abstract We study, from a quite general point of view, a CQ*-algebra (X, 𝖀0) possessing a sufficient family of bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms. Non-commutative L 2-spaces are shown to constitute examples of a class of CQ*-algebras and any abstract CQ*-algebra (X, 𝖀0) possessing a sufficient family of bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms can be represented as a direct sum of non-commutative L 2-spaces.