F. Nicolò
Synthesis, infrared and M�ssbauer characterization and X-ray crystal structure of 1,10-phenanthrolinium tetrachloromethoxy phenylantimonate(V)
The compound has been characterized by X-ray crystal structure determination, Mossbauer and i.r. spectroscopy. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space groupP21/c (No. 14) witha=24.228(4),b=8.335(2),c=23.975(4) A,β=117.83(3)° andZ=8. Least-squares refinement on 3749 observed reflections gave finalR=0.034 (Rw=0.037). The compound is constituted by [(C6H5)SbCl4OMe]− anions andphenH+cations. The coordination polyhedron about Sb is an octahedron (Sb-Cl 2.416(3), Sb-O 1.962(7) and Sb-C 2.138(9) A). The whole structure is characterized by two short contacts (O(1)⋯N(2) 2.76(1) O(2)⋯N(4) 2.75(1) A) involving the methoxy oxygens of the two independent anionic units [(C6H5)SbCl4OMe]− and two nitrogens…
CCDC 941509: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: S. Rubino, V. Di Stefano, A. Attanzio, L. Tesoriere, M.A. Girasolo, F. Nicolò, G. Bruno, S. Orecchio, G.C. Stocco|2014|Inorg.Chim.Acta|418|112|doi:10.1016/j.ica.2014.03.028