Amrit Sorli

Relation between Psychological Time and Physical Time

Recent physical research on time suggests that time is not a physical reality in which humans perceive changes. Time measured with clocks is merely a numerical sequence of changes that takes place in quantum vacuum. Humans experience this constant flow of numerical sequence of change in the frame of psychological time, i.e. “past-present-future”. In physical reality, the past, present, and future exist only as a mathematical numerical sequence of change taking place in quantum vacuum; time as a numerical sequence of change as measured with clocks is exclusively a mathematical quantity. We humans perceive this mathematical numerical order of change with our senses, then it is processed withi…

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Integration of Science and Religion with SelfExperience of the Observer

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Integration of rational and conscious experience is the base of planetary society

In every country in the world we teach our children that they belong to a certain nation and religion. The fact that we all live on the same planet Earth is not taken into consideration. The result is that we raise people with narrow personal identification, which can always be manipulated and used for violence and war with people of other nations and religions. In order to stop this centuries-long destruction we have to raise new generations that will first belong to the planetary society and second to a certain nation or religion. In the today’s educational system worldwide we mostly develop the rational analytic experience of the world, while the conscious synthetic experience if left as…

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Block Universe - According to the Formalism X4 = ict Space-time is Timeless

According to the formalism d = v x t fourth dimension of space-time is spatial too. In formula X4 = ict symbol t represents numerical order of material change i.e. motion running in space. Flow of time is flow of numerical order of materal change that we measure with clocks. Fundamental unit of numerical order t0,t1,t2...tn of material change is a Planck time tp. Numerical order of material change tn-1 is "before" numerical order of material change tn equivalently as natural number n-1 is "before" natural number n. Flow of physical time is a flow of numerical order t0,t1,t2...tn of material change and runs in a timeles 4D space.

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Observer Is a Function of Four-dimensional Timeless Space

Recent research on time shows that one has to distinguish between physical time and psychological time. Physical time is run of clocks in space. Space itself is timeless. With clocks we measure material change i.e. motion that happen in space. Linear psychological time “past-present-future” is a result of neuronal activity of the brain. Observer is experiencing material change through psychological time. Observer is unchangeable and independent of psychological time running. This indicates that observer is not based on neuronal activity of the brain as psychological time is. Space and observer are both timeless. Here a proposal is taken that physical basis of the observer is space itself. I…

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The Subject is beyond Space and Time

In physics »the subject« is considered as one who is observing and experiencing a given physical phenomena and also observing a mind model which describes this phenomena. The subject has an inherent ability to be aware of material and psychological phenomena (scientific models created by the mind, thoughts, memories, emotions) and also to be aware of “spaces” in which these phenomena are taking place. Material phenomena exist in outer physical space, psychological phenomena happen in inner psychological space. The ability of “space observation” indicates that from ontological point of view observer is “beyond” physical and psychological space.

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Symmetry of mass and energy density of quantum vacuum

Mass is an energy form of quantum vacuum in symmetry with diminished energy density of quantum vacuum. Presence of mass diminishes energy density of quantum vacuum respectively to the energy of a given mass. A given particle with a mass diminishes energy density of quantum vacuum, mass-less particle does not diminish energy of quantum vacuum. In order to explain mass of elementary particles this view does not require existence of the hypothetical boson of Higgs.

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