V. Cristofori
Scelta varietale nei distretti tradizionali e nuovi areali
Tonda di Giffoni, Tonda Gentile Romana e Tonda Gentile Trilobata: il panorama varietale italiano è piuttosto ristretto e anche le nuove aree in cui il nocciolo è in espansione puntano sulle cultivar tradizionali più apprezzate dall’industria. Ma dopo l’esperienza positiva della Tonda Francescana® alcune isolate iniziative di miglioramento genetico puntano ad ampliare la piattaforma varietale e clonale
Data from: Molecular and morphological diversity of on-farm hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) landraces from southern Europe and their role in the origin and diffusion of cultivated germplasm
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is a traditional nut crop in southern Europe. Germplasm exploration conducted on-farm in five countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, and Greece) identified 77 landraces. The present work describes phenotypic variation in nut and husk traits and investigates genetic relationships using 10 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers among these landraces, 57 well-known references cultivars, and 19 wild accessions. Among the 77 landraces, 42 had unique fingerprints while 35 showed a SSR profile identical to a known cultivar. Among the 42 unique landraces, morphological observations revealed high phenotypic diversity and some had characteristics appreciated by the …