M. Germana'
Scelta varietale nei distretti tradizionali e nuovi areali
Tonda di Giffoni, Tonda Gentile Romana e Tonda Gentile Trilobata: il panorama varietale italiano è piuttosto ristretto e anche le nuove aree in cui il nocciolo è in espansione puntano sulle cultivar tradizionali più apprezzate dall’industria. Ma dopo l’esperienza positiva della Tonda Francescana® alcune isolate iniziative di miglioramento genetico puntano ad ampliare la piattaforma varietale e clonale
Near Zero Energy House in Palestine: Identification of the Future Challenges
Most of researches and experiences of the concept of near zero energy buildings (NZEBs) are highly concentrated on the developed countries more than the developing countries due to many reasons related to the different contexts conditions. This paper is a part of a PhD thesis, which is being supervised by the Department of Architecture at the University of Palermo. The paper aims at highlighting the challenges facing the house design in Palestine as a developing country in terms of NZEBs by making a study which is related to discussing different experiences in the field of energy saving strategies in Palestine and some surrounded countries, such as Jordan which shares certain climatic and a…