Salvatore Pirri

Anestesia subaracnoidea con levobupivacaina isobarica e fentanyl in chirurgia ortopedica

research product

Miastenia gravis e sclerosi multipla in ostetricia. Considerazioni anestesiologiche-rianimatorie. Caso clinico

research product

Basse Dosi di Ketamina nella Modulazione dell’Iperalgesia Post-Operatoria da Remifentanil in Chirurgia Addominale Maggiore

research product

Effects of the clinical characteristics of the organ donor on the long-term results of the transplant and survival of the patient, with particular reference to kidney transplants

To assess the role of the single clinical parameters of the donor on the outcome of the transplant and the variability of this in relation to the state of an optimal or borderline donor.

research product

Somministrazione di sevofluorane guidata da Narcotrend negli interventi di taglio cesareo: studio preliminare sui target materno-fetali

research product

Monitoraggio del livello di analgo-sedazione nel paziente ricoverato in U.T.I. mediante la scala MSAT (Minnesota Sedation Assesment Tool) e il Narcotrend (NT). Nostra esperienza clinica.

research product


Preeclamptic conditions are often associated with a natural inhibitor consumption. Many studies have evidenced validity of antithrombin (AT) treatment during preeclamptic conditions. The aim of the study is to restore a congruous coagulation imbalance with administration of AT under the guide of thromboelastographic monitoring (TEG).

research product

Picco plus monitoring haemodynamic parametres in critically ill patients

research product

Narcotrend (NT) monitoring depth of anesthesia in gynaecologic surgery: a comparison with Bispectral Index (BIS)

research product

Monitoring depth of anesthesia with Bispectral Index (BIS) and Narcotrend (NT) during caesarean section.

research product

Picco plus quale sistema semi invasivo di monitoraggio emodinamico.

research product

Tracheotomia percutanea dilatativa (TPD) secondo Griggs. Nostra esperienza in UTI polivalente

research product

Modifications of coagulation imbalance during antithrombin treatment in preeclamptic patients

research product

Low Dose Spinal Anestesia (LDSA) vs Total Intravenous Anestesia (TIVA) for Minor Anorectal Surgery. Our Experience in Day Surgery

research product

Utilizzo di Desflurane (D) o Sevoflurane (S) in “day surgery anesthesia” con Laringeal Mask Airway (LMA®) durante fecondazione medicalmente assistita (FMA). Nostra esperienza.

research product

Monitoring with Narcotrend (NT) or standard anaesthesiologist's technique (SAT) during anesthesia with desflurane-remifentanil in majer gyaecological surgery. Our experience

research product

Monitoring with Narcotrend (NT) or standard anaesthesiologists technique (SAT) during anesthesia with desflurane-remifentanil in major gynaecological surgery. Our experience

research product

Anestesia subaracnoidea con levopupivacaina isobarica e Fentanyl in chirurgia ortopedica

research product

Lung Immune and Coagulative Host Response in Patients With Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (aeocpd).

research product

Minnesota sedation assesment too (MSAT) vs Narcotrend to monitorize analgo-sedation in ICU.

research product

Narcotrend(NT), nuova metodica per valutare la profondità della narcosi, vs. BIS: risultati preliminari in chirurgia ginecologica maggiore

research product

Valutazione Comparativa tra Narcotrend ed Entropia in chirurgia ginecologica maggiore con utilizzo di desflurane e remifentanil. Risultati preliminari.

research product

Monitoring depth of anesthesia with Bispectral Index (BIS) and Narcotrend (NT) during caesarean section

research product

Monitoraggio del livello di analgosedazione nel paziente ricoverato in UTI mediante la scala MSAT e il Narcotrend. esperienza clinica.

research product