Wilfried Koch
Analyse spatiale des disparités régionales dans l'Europe élargie
The aim of this paper is to study the regional inequalities in the enlarged European Union using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis applied to per capita GDP for 258 regions of EU27 over the period 1995-2000. Strong evidence in favor of global and local autocorrelation as well as spatial heterogeneity is found for the wealth distribution. We also show that the enlargement process leads to a new North-West - East polarization scheme instead of the previous results obtained in the literature highlighting a North-South polarization scheme. Implications for regional development and cohesion policies are finally explored.
'Dual' Gravity: Using Spatial Econometrics to Control for Multilateral Resistance
We propose a quantity-based `dual' version of the gravity equation that yields an estimating equation with both cross-sectional interdependence and spatially lagged error terms. Such an equation can be concisely estimated using spatial econometric techniques. We illustrate this methodology by applying it to the Canada-U.S. data set used previously, among others, by Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) and Feenstra (2002, 2004). Our key result is to show that controlling directly for spatial interdependence across trade flows, as suggested by theory, significantly reduces border effects because it captures `multilateral resistance'. Using a spatial autoregressive moving average specification, we …
''Dual'' gravity: Using spatial econometrics to control for multilateral resistance.
We propose a quantity-based `dual' version of the gravity equation that yields an estimating equation with both cross-sectional interdependence and spatially lagged error terms. Such an equation can be concisely estimated using spatial econometric techniques. We illustrate this methodology by applying it to the Canada-U.S. data set used previously, among others, by Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) and Feenstra (2002, 2004). Our key result is to show that controlling directly for spatial interdependence across trade flows, as suggested by theory, significantly reduces border effects because it captures `multilateral resistance'. Using a spatial autoregressive moving average specification, we …
A Contribution to the Schumpeterian Growth Theory and Empirics
Soumis à Journal of Economic Growth; Document de Recherche LEO 2008-25; Cet article propose un cadre théorique et méthodologique unifie caractérisé par la priseen compte explicite des intéractions technologiques dans la modélisation des processus decroissance en adoptant une perspective Schumpétérienne. L'interdépendance globale impliquée par les spillovers internationaux de R&D doit être intégrée non seulement dans lamodélisation théorique mais également dans la spécification économétrique qui en découle.L'économétrie spatiale apparaît alors naturellement comme la méthodologie adéquate pourtraiter le problème de l'estimation de telles spécifications. Le modèle économétrique que nousproposo…
Growth and Spatial Dependence in Europe
The convergence of European regions has been largely discussed in the empirical literature during the last decade. Two observations are often emphasized. First, the convergence rate among European regions appears to be very slow (Barro and Sala-i-Martins 1991, 1995; Armstrong 1995, Sala-i-Martin 1996a,b). Second, the tools used in the regional science literature show that the geographical distribution of European per capita GDP is highly clustered and characterized by global and local autocorrelation (Armstrong 1995; Ertur et al. 2007; Lopez-Bazo et al. 1999; Le Gallo and Ertur 2003 with a UE15 regional database and Ertur and Koch 2006, with a UE27 enlarged regional database). Many other st…
Une analyse exploratoire des disparités régionales dans l'Europe élargie
http://www.regionetdeveloppement.u-3mrs.fr/; National audience; L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser les inégalités régionales dans l'Union Européenne élargie à l'aide de l'Analyse Exploratoire des Données Spatiales appliquée aux PIB par tête des 258 régions de l'Europe des 27 sur la période 1995-2000. Les résultats montrent l'existence d'une forte autocorrélation spatiale globale et locale ainsi qu'une forte hétérogénéité dans la distribution des richesses. Ils montrent également un changement de polarisation, puisque l'élargissement conduit à un schéma de polarisation Nord-Ouest - Est à la place du schéma Nord-Sud traditionnellement mis en évidence dans la littérature. Finalement, cet…