A. Alfano
maculopatia associata a tilted disk
Urology practice during the COVID-19 vaccination campaign
Introduction: The current scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly different from that of the first, emergency phase. Several countries in the world are experiencing a second, or even a third, wave of contagion, while awaiting the effects of mass vaccination campaigns. The aim of this report was to provide an update of previously released recommendations on prioritization and restructuring of urological activities. Methods: A large group of Italian urologists directly involved in the reorganization of their urological wards during the first and second phase of the pandemic agreed on a set of updated recommendations for current urology practice. Results: The updated recommendations…
Flogosi post-trapianto di cornea
Il Trapianto di Cornea, o Cheratoplastica, che prevede la sostituzione sub-totale della cornea mediante un innesto circolare di tessuto omologo (lembo), rappresenta la procedura d’elezione per il trattamento di diverse patologie corneali congenite o acquisite. Se ne discutono tutti i determinanti e le prospettive.