Alain Sauter

Evaluation du paysage et politiques publiques: application à l'agglomération de Montbéliard et à la commune de Morez (Franche-Comté)

"If landscape is now part of public action at all scale levels, the effects of this action should be revealed in the landscape itself. We have to look further". This main goal of the "public policies and landscape" research program, initiated in 1998 by the French ministry of environment, encourages the scientific community to Invest both the landscape assessment and public policies research fields. This research aims at bringing a new contribution to this subject, taking into account recent advances and remaining questions. An assessment tool based on standardized and comparable landscape indices is proposed. This approach is based on measures performed on the visible part of the landscape…

research product

Identifier les structures du paysage par le calcul des intervisibilités

National audience

research product

Observation of the DiACT mountain territories: presentation and purposes.

International audience

research product

Landscape and public policies: evaluation and indices

historical object. Today, landscape belongs to the field of public policies and citizenship. In this way, landscape can be considered as a subject for territorial intelligence, including the governance concept, and public policies actions. In this general frame, we have to focus on the links between landscape and public policies, and on their evaluation.

research product

Le contexte paysager : un paradoxe dans le phénomène d'étalement urbain ?

International audience

research product

Diagnostic préalable à l'élaboration de la charte de paysage de Morez

Réalisée pour le compte de la commune de Morez, cette recherche porte sur les caractéristiques paysagères actuelles. Deux temps principaux articuleront la démarche générale :Un état initial proposera une analyse de l’occupation du sol et du paysage visible en 2009. Ce diagnostic permettra d'identifier les enjeux d'ensemble.En second lieu, et au regard des enjeux identifiés, une série de préconisations en matière de gestion des paysages sera présentée.

research product