Rafael Martínez-conde Llamosas
Salivary cortisol determination in patients from the Basque Country with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. A pilot study
Objectives: Stress and anxiety are controversial factors involved in the complex pathogenesis of Recurrent Aph - thous Stomatitis (RAS). The determination of salivary cortisol is a useful, simple and safe test to detect states of high stress or anxiety. The aim of this study is to check for changes in salivary cortisol levels in patients with RAS during periods of active disease. Study design: A measurement of cortisol employing Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) was car - ried out in samples of unstimulated saliva from 20 patients with active lesions of RAS and 10 healthy individuals used as controls. Results: Increased levels of salivary cortisol were detected in 3 cases, all of t…
Adamantiades-Behçet disease : an enigmatic process with oral manifestations
La enfermedad de Adamantiades-Behçet es una vasculitis multisistémica crónica, potencialmente capaz de afectar a cualquier órgano o sistema del cuerpo humano y en la que la aparición repetida de úlceras orales es una de sus principales expresiones clínicas. La EAB es una patología de carácter universal, con una prevalencia variable en función de la población estudiada y que muestra una curiosa distribución geográfica. A pesar de ser un proceso conocido desde la antigüedad, su etiopatogenia en la que probablemente se hayan implicados factores genéticos, microbiológicos e inmunológicos, continua siendo enigmática. Su amplio espectro de manifestaciones clínicas orales, genitales, cutáneas, ocu…
Multiple window access antrostomy in maxillary sinus grafting. Presentation of a clinical serie of 10 cases and literature review
Objectives: A variation on the usual maxillary sinus grafting technique and its results are presented, using a more conservative approach that provides better conditions for applying the graft in complicated situations. Material and Methods: Ten case reports are presented in which the multiple access technique was used due to the existence of large maxillary sinuses, where a wide surgical approach was needed because several implants were to be installed or cases in which sinus bone graft was part of a more extensive reconstructive prodedure. Results: All the implants that were placed after using this technique were correctly integrated and it was possible to proceed to the prosthesis stage …
Primary oral squamous cell carcinoma arising around dental osseointegrated implants mimicking peri-implantitis
Prosthodontic rehabilitation using dental implants has become a common practice in dentistry at the present time. The number of complications related to dental osseointegrated implants has increased according to the generalization of its use along the last decade. Among the most common of these complications are chronic inflammatory conditions affecting both hard and soft tissues around dental implants. Although severe complications are uncommon, in recent years several cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma adjacent to dental implants have been published. In this paper we present a new unusual case of primary oral squamous cell carcinoma arising around a dental fixed prosthesis over osseoin…