T. Fasciana
Rapid Identification by MALDITOF of Neisseria elongata Subspecies nitroreducens in an Endocarditis Case
Abstract Background: Neisseria elongata subspecies nitroreducens is considered to be an important pathogen responsible for infective endocarditis, even if it is infrequently reported. We report the first case of endocarditis in Italy due to N. elongata subsp. nitroreducens. Case presentation: The infection occurs in a 40-year-old male affected by Marfan syndrome with a prosthetic aortic valve. The patient had had a fever for a week which had been resistant to antibiotic therapy. Conclusion: we propose a correct and rapid identification of Neisseria elongata subspecies nitroreducens by mass spectrometry directly from the positive blood culture. The rapidly identification obtained by MALDI-TO…
Factors leading to dissemination of cutaneous anthrax: an international ID-IRI study
Background: Although anthrax is a rare zoonotic infection, it still causes significant mortality and morbidity. In this multicenter study, which is the largest anthrax case series ever reported, we aimed to describe the factors leading to dissemination of cutaneous anthrax.Methods: Adult patients with cutaneous anthrax from 16 referral centers were pooled. The study had a retrospective design, and included patients treated between January 1, 1990 and December 1, 2019. Probable, and confirmed cases based upon CDC anthrax 2018 case definition were included in the study. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed for all variables.Results: A total of 141 cutaneous anthrax patients were i…
Antibiotic resistance profiles in Helicobacter pylori strains isolated in Sicily (Italy)
Coinfection of Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus in patients with gastric disease in Southern Italy
Helicobacter pylori
Biofilm production in Staphylococcus epidermidis strains, isolated from the skin of hospitalized patients: genetic and phenotypic characteristics.
A major virulence factor of Staphylococcus epidermidis is its ability to form biofilms, permitting it to adhere to a surface and, in turn, to form a mucoid layer on polymer surfaces. Multiple factors have been found to influence bacterial attachment. Currently, this bacterium is commonly associated with hospital infections as a consequence of its ability to colonize, albeit accidentally, medical devices. This study investigated the genetic and phenotypic formation of biofilm in 105 S. epidermidis strains isolated from the skin of hospitalized patients. Fifty-eight of these patients were positive for the mecA gene (MRSE) and 47 were found to be negative (MSSE). Genetic characterizations were…
Zoonoses, often better defined with the term anthropozoonoses, are diseases that can be transmitted to humans either by direct contact with animals or through arthropod vector intervention. Microbial interaction between humans and animals constitutes an important public health challenge, particularly in the Mediterranean basin. The main reasons this challenge is still relevant today include the phenomenon of migration, of both humans and animals, and climate change, which tend to alter the geographical distribution of zoonosis or the zoonotic agent, as well as the distribution range of potential vectors. The Mediterranean area seems to be affected by plentiful and widely distributed zoonose…
Helicobacter pylori and epstein–barr co-infection in gastric disease
The incidence of gastrointestinal diseases and in particular gastric cancer (GC) is high worldwide. Over the last few years, numerous studies have speculated that Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can be correlated with gastric cancerogenesis. Virulence factors of H. pylori can contribute to the variability of clinical outcomes: among the most important virulence factors is the pathogenicity island (CagPAI), vacA and oipA gene. EBV infection usually persists in B cells and induces an inflammatory reaction in cooperation with H. pylori. In Sicily, H. pylori and EBV infections are particularly prevalent, and to our knowledge no study has addressed this yet. The aim …
Rapidly growing mycobacteria in TB/HIV co-infection: a report of two cases focusing on difficulties in diagnosis and management.
Recent reports indicate an increase in rates of infection and disease due to rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) in patients with pre-existing chronic lung disease. Studies have described difficulties in correctly identifying closely related species, even when proper methodologies are adopted, and several different gene targets have been proposed. We describe two cases of RGM infection in a 29-year-old HIV-1 positive Congolese man and a 19-year-old HIV-1 positive Liberian woman, respectively, both with bronchiectasis due to previous Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. Mycobacterium porcinum and Mycobacterium bolletii were identified in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and sputum, respect…
Escherichia coli ST131 is an emerging resistant agent recently called “superbug” in England. This strain is responsible of community-acquired urinary tract infections and nowadays showing increasing resistance to antibiotics like fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins. Survey of virulent bacterial clone is relevant to control its spreading in community. We aim to assess the circulation of resistant clones Escherichia coli ST131 outside of the hospital to prompt control of outbreak in our geographical area. We selected 105 E. coli resistant isolates from community-acquired urinary infections and performed a multiplex PCR to evaluate if they belonged to the ST131 type. We investigated their set …
Panton-Valentine leukocidin positive sequence type 80 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carrying a staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type IVc is dominant in neonates and children in an Algiers hospital.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major antimicrobial drug-resistant pathogen causing serious infections. It was first detected in healthcare settings, but in recent years it has also become disseminated in the community. Children and young adults are most susceptible to infection by community-acquired (CA) MRSA strains. In this study 25 MRSA isolates implicated in infections of neonates and children admitted to an Algiers hospital during an 18 month period were characterized by molecular methods including staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) mec typing, PCR amplification of pvl genes, pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). F…
Body lice transport B. recurrentis from man to man and humans are the only host. The presence of lice in Italy and an increasing number of cases in migrants can contribute to the onset of autochthonous cases. In this paper, we report a new case of Louse-borne Relapsing Fever (LBRF) diagnosed among migrants in Sicily exactly one year after the first case was recorded. We reviewed all cases reported in Europe from February 2016 until now. Our study identified two new cases of LBRF in migrants arrived in Europe: one who came from Somalia and one from Mali. Here we report data on a new case in Sicily. The number of migrants and refugees to transit in Sicily has increased, and this has led to th…
Sherris - Microbiologia Medica
Il testo di Sherris “Medical Microbiology”, giunto oggi alla sua sesta edizione, continua a rappresentare, a livello internazionale, un testo cardine per lo studio della Microbiologiamedica sia nel Corso di Medicina e Chirurgia sia nell’ambito della formazionespecialistica. La prima edizione di questo testo venne pubblicata nel 1976 da John C. Sherris, Professore Emerito di Microbiologia, noto per gli studi sulle resistenze batteriche agli antibioticied il rapido evolversi delle Scienze Mediche ed in particolare della Microbiologia ha resonecessari numerosi aggiornamenti che hanno portato alla attuale sesta edizione. Abbiamo partecipato con entusiasmo alla prima edizione italiana e con altr…