Eclogite xenoliths from the Kuruman kimberlites, South Africa: geochemical fingerprinting of deep subduction and cumulate processes☆
The mineralogically diverse eclogite xenolith suite sampled by the >1.6 Ga Zero kimberlite in the Kuruman group, close to the western edge of the Kaapvaal craton consists of bimineralic eclogites, orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites with and without sanidine, and kyanite eclogites. Garnet exsolutions in clinopyroxene occur in all Zero eclogite types, and orthopyroxene and, where present, sanidine are also exsolved from clinopyroxene in orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites. Mineral thermobarometry indicates that the last P–T condition prior to the kimberlite eruption was 900–950 °C at 3.5–4.0 GPa. However, inclusions of quartz, rutile and rarely K-feldspar, plus former fluid inclusions in garnets, in…