Nikolay Banichuk

Static instability analysis for travelling membranes and plates interacting with axially moving ideal fluid

The out-of-plane instability of a moving plate, travelling between two rollers with constant velocity, is studied, taking into account the mutual interaction between the buckled plate and the surrounding, axially flowing ideal fluid. Transverse displacement of the buckled plate (assumed cylindrical) is described by an integro-differential equation that includes the centrifugal force, the aerodynamic reaction of the external medium, the vertical projection of membrane tension, and the bending force. The aerodynamic reaction is found analytically as a functional of the displacement. To find the critical divergence velocity of the moving plate and its corresponding buckling mode, an eigenvalue…

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Dynamic Behaviour of an Axially Moving Plate Undergoing Small Cylindrical Deformation Submerged in Axially Flowing Ideal Fluid

Abstract The out-of-plane dynamic response of a moving plate, travelling between two rollers at a constant velocity, is studied, taking into account the mutual interaction between the vibrating plate and the surrounding, axially flowing ideal fluid. Transverse displacement of the plate (assumed cylindrical) is described by an integro-differential equation that includes a local inertia term, Coriolis and centrifugal forces, the aerodynamic reaction of the external medium, the vertical projection of membrane tension, the bending resistance, and external perturbation forces. In the two-dimensional model thus set up, the aerodynamic reaction is found analytically as a functional of the cylindri…

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Travelling Strings, Beams, Panels, Membranes and Plates

In this chapter, we will introduce in a general manner some of the most common models for axially travelling materials, which will be used in the rest of the book. We will introduce the linear models of travelling strings, panels, and plates. It will be assumed that the material is thin, i.e. its planar dimensions are much larger than its thickness. We will work in the small displacement regime, that is, with linear models approximating the behaviour of the system near the trivial equilibrium. As is well known in the theory of elasticity, this approximation allows for a decoupling of the in-plane and out-of-plane components in the dynamics of the system. We will concentrate on small out-of-…

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On Bifurcation Analysis of Implicitly Given Functionals in the Theory of Elastic Stability

In this paper, we analyze the stability and bifurcation of elastic systems using a general scheme developed for problems with implicitly given functionals. An asymptotic property for the behaviour of the natural frequency curves in the small vicinity of each bifurcation point is obtained for the considered class of systems. Two examples are given. First is the stability analysis of an axially moving elastic panel, with no external applied tension, performing transverse vibrations. The second is the free vibration problem of a stationary compressed panel. The approach is applicable to a class of problems in mechanics, for example in elasticity, aeroelasticity and axially moving materials (su…

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Stability of Axially Moving Plates

This chapter focuses on the stability analysis of axially moving materials, in the context of two-dimensional models. There are many similarities with the classical stability analysis of structures, such as the buckling analysis of plates. However, the presence of axial motion introduces inertial effects to the model. We consider the stability of an axially moving elastic isotropic plate travelling at a constant velocity between two supports and experiencing small transverse vibrations. We investigate the stability of the plate using an analytical approach. We also look at elastic orthotropic plates, and an elastic isotropic plate subjected to an axial tension distribution that varies in th…

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Reliable estimates in the anisotropic heat conduction problems

Abstract The heat conduction problems for anisotropic bodies are studied taking into account the uncertainties in the material orientation. The best estimations of the upper and lower bounds of the considered energy dissipation functional are based on developing new approach consisting in solution of some optimization problems and finding the extremal internal material structures, which realize minimal and maximal dissipation. The motivation of this study comes from paper making processes, and more precisely, drying process, which consumes about 50% of the energy fed into the paper machine. The understanding of the effect of uncertainties in the process arises from structural properties of …

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On the limit velocity and buckling phenomena of axially moving orthotropic membranes and plates

In this paper, we consider the static stability problems of axially moving orthotropic membranes and plates. The study is motivated by paper production processes, as paper has a fiber structure which can be described as orthotropic on the macroscopic level. The moving web is modeled as an axially moving orthotropic plate. The original dynamic plate problem is reduced to a two-dimensional spectral problem for static stability analysis, and solved using analytical techniques. As a result, the minimal eigenvalue and the corresponding buckling mode are found. It is observed that the buckling mode has a shape localized in the regions close to the free boundaries. The localization effect is demon…

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Optimization and analysis of processes with moving materials subjected to fatigue fracture and instability

We study systems of traveling continuum modeling the web as a thin elastic plate of brittle material, traveling between a system of supports at a constant velocity, and subjected to bending, in-plane tension and small initial cracks. We study crack growth under cyclic in-plane tension and transverse buckling of the web analytically. We seek optimal in-plane tension that maximizes a performance vector function consisting of the number of cycles before fracture, the critical velocity and process effectiveness. The present way of applying optimization in the studies of fracture and stability is new and affords an analytical tool for process analysis. peerReviewed

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Dynamic analysis for axially moving viscoelastic panels

In this study, stability and dynamic behaviour of axially moving viscoelastic panels are investigated with the help of the classical modal analysis. We use the flat panel theory combined with the Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic constitutive model, and we include the material derivative in the viscoelastic relations. Complex eigenvalues for the moving viscoelastic panel are studied with respect to the panel velocity, and the corresponding eigenfunctions are found using central finite differences. The governing equation for the transverse displacement of the panel is of fifth order in space, and thus five boundary conditions are set for the problem. The fifth condition is derived and set at the in-…

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Travelling Panels Interacting with External Flow

This chapter is devoted to the analysis of the travelling panel, submerged in axially flowing fluid. In order to accurately model the dynamics and stability of a lightweight moving material, the interaction between the material and the surrounding air must be taken into account somehow. The light weight of the material leads to the inertial contribution of the surrounding air to the acceleration of the material becoming significant. In the small displacement regime, the geometry of the vibrating panel is approximately flat, and hence flow separation is unlikely. We will use the model of potential flow for the fluid. The approach described in this chapter allows for an efficient semi-analyti…

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A thermoelastic instability problem for axially moving plates

Problems of stability and deformation of a moving web, traveling between a system of rollers at a constant velocity are considered. The plate is subjected to a combined thermomechanical loading, including pure mechanical in-plane tension and also centripetal forces. Thermal strains corresponding to thermal tension and bending of the plate are accounted for. The problem of out-of-plane thermomechanical divergence (buckling) is reduced to an eigenvalue problem, which is studied analytically.

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Travelling Panels Made of Viscoelastic Material

In this chapter, our focus is to analyse the behaviour of moving panels using viscoelastic materials. As the reader will have noticed, all the models discussed in previous chapters have concerned the case of a purely elastic material. The deformation of an elastic material depends only on the applied forces; it has no explicit time dependence. Paper, however, is a more complicated material: it is viscoelastic. In addition to elastic properties, it has also time-dependent viscous properties, which cause the phenomena of creep and relaxation (see, e.g., Alava and Niskanen 2006). One of the simplest models for a viscoelastic solid is the Kelvin–Voigt model, which consists of a linear spring an…

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Stochastic analysis of the critical velocity of an axially moving cracked elastic plate

In this study, a probabilistic analysis of the critical velocity for an axially moving cracked elastic and isotropic plate is presented. Axially moving materials are commonly used in modelling of manufacturing processes, like paper making and plastic forming. In such systems, the most serious threats to runnability are instability and material fracture, and finding the critical value of velocity is essential for efficiency. In this paper, a formula for the critical velocity is derived under constraints for the probabilities of instability and fracture. The significance of randomness in different model parameters is investigated for parameter ranges typical of paper material and paper machin…

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Stability of Thermoelastic Layered Composite in Axial Movement

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Some Optimization Problems

In this chapter, the problems of safety analysis and optimization of a moving elastic plate travelling between two rollers at a constant axial velocity are considered. We will use a model of a thin elastic plate subjected to bending and in-plane tension (distributed membrane forces). We will study transverse buckling (divergence) of the plate and its brittle and fatigue fracture caused by fatigue crack growth under cyclic in-plane tension (loading). Our aim is to find the safe ranges of velocities of an axially moving plate analytically under the constraints of longevity and stability. In the end of this chapter, the expressions for critical buckling velocity and the number of cycles before…

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Added-Mass Based Efficient Fluid–Structure Interaction Model for Dynamics of Axially Moving Panels with Thermal Expansion

The paper considers the analysis of a traveling panel, submerged in axially flowing fluid. In order to accurately model the dynamics and stability of a lightweight moving material, the interaction between the material and the surrounding air must be taken into account. The lightweight material leads to the inertial contribution of the surrounding air to the acceleration of the panel becoming significant. This formulation is novel and the case complements our previous studies on the field. The approach described in this paper allows for an efficient semi-analytical solution, where the reaction pressure of the fluid flow is analytically represented by an added-mass model in terms of the panel…

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Uncertainties in the heat conduction problems and reliable estimates

The heat conduction problems for anisotropic bodies are studied taking into account the uncertainties in the material orientation. The best estimations of the upper and lower bounds of the considered energy dissipation functional are based on the developing new approach consisting in solution of some optimization problems and finding the extremal internal material structures, which realize minimal and maximal dissipation.

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Vibrations of a continuous web on elastic supports

We consider an infinite, homogenous linearly elastic beam resting on a system of linearly elastic supports, as an idealized model for a paper web in the middle of a cylinder-based dryer section. We obtain closed-form analytical expressions for the eigenfrequencies and the eigenmodes. The frequencies increase as the support rigidity is increased. Each frequency is bounded from above by the solution with absolutely rigid supports, and from below by the solution in the limit of vanishing support rigidity. Thus in a real system, the natural frequencies will be lower than predicted by commonly used models with rigid supports. peerReviewed

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Анализ и оптимизация устойчивости балок на сплошном упругом основании часть I (балки конечной длины) [Analysis and optimization of a beam on elastic foundation. Part I (Limited beams)]

Problems of defining the optimal (against buckling) cross section area distribution for beams interacting with elastic foundation are considered. The stability of limited pinned beams and infinite continuous beams is analyzed. For all beams under consideration, the stability analysis is performed as for constant as for variable distributions of strength beam characteristics. The critical length is determined and the variational statement of beam stability problems is presented for this beam type. The exact solution of optimal problem is presented in the case of linear dependence of limited beam bending hardness on beam cross section area. For the case of squared and cubic dependences, the n…

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Analytical approach for the problems of dynamics and stability of a moving web

Problems of dynamics and stability of a moving web, modelled as an elastic rod or string, and axially travelling between rollers (supports) at a constant velocity, are studied using analytical approaches. Transverse, longitudinal and torsional vibrations of the moving web are described by a hyperbolic second-order partial differential equation, corresponding to the string and rod models. It is shown that in the framework of a quasi-static eigenvalue analysis, for these models, the critical point cannot be unstable. The critical velocities of one-dimensional webs, and the arising non-trivial solution of free vibrations, are studied analytically. The dynamical analysis is then extended into t…

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Analysis and optimization against buckling of beams interacting with elastic foundation

We consider an infinite continuous elastic beam that interacts with linearly elastic foundation and is under compression. The problem of the beam buckling is formulated and analyzed. Then the optimization of beam against buckling is investigated. As a design variable (control function) we take the parameters of cross-section distribution of the beam from the set of periodic functions and transform the original problem of optimization of infinite beam to the corresponding problem defined at the finite interval. All investigations are on the whole founded on the analytical variational approaches and the optimal solutions are studied as a function of problems parameters. peerReviewed

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Bifurcation method of stability analysis and some applications

In this paper a new approach to the analysis of implicitly given function- als is developed in the frame of elastic stability theory. The approach gives an effective procedure to analyse stability behaviour, and to determine the bifur- cation points. Examples of application of the proposed approach for analysis of stability are presented, more precisely we consider the stability problem of an axially moving elastic panel, with no external applied tension, performing transverse vibrations. The analysis is applicable for many practical cases, for example, paper making and band saw blades.

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Theoretical study on travelling web dynamics and instability under non-homogeneous tension

Problems of dynamics and stability of a moving web, travelling between two rollers at a constant velocity, are studied using analytical approaches. Transverse vibrations of the web are described by a partial differential equation that includes the centrifugal force, in-plane tension, elastic reaction and nonstationary inertial terms. The model of a thin elastic plate subjected to bending and non-homogeneous tension is used to describe the bending moment and the distribution of membrane forces. The stability of the plate is investigated with the help of studies of small out-of-plane vibrations. The influence of linearly distributed in-plane tension on the characteristics of the web vibration…

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Non-Homogeneous Tension Profile

In this chapter, we will look at the influence of a skewed tension profile on the divergence instability of a travelling, thin elastic plate. The travelling plate is subjected to axial tension at the supports, but the tension distribution along the supports is not uniform. For the nonuniformity, we will use a linear distribution. First, we will perform a dynamic analysis of small time-harmonic vibrations, after which we will concentrate on the divergence instability problem. We will see that a small inhomogeneity in the applied tension may have a large effect on the divergence modes, and that inhomogeneity in the tension profile may significantly decrease the critical velocity of the plate.

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Variational approach for analysis of harmonic vibration and stabiligy of moving panels

In this paper, the stability of a simply supported axially moving elastic panel (plate undergoing cylindrical deformation) is considered. A complex variable technique and bifurcation theory are applied. As a result, variational equations and a variational principle are derived. Analysis of the variational principle allows the study of qualitative properties of the bifurcation points. Asymptotic behaviour in a small neighbourhood around an arbitrary bifurcation point is analyzed and presented. It is shown analytically that the eigenvalue curves in the (ω, V0) plane cross both the ω and V0 axes perpendicularly. It is also shown that near each bifurcation point, the dependence ω(V0) for each m…

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An analytical-numerical study of dynamic stability of an axially moving elastic web

This paper is devoted to a dynamic stability analysis of an axially moving elastic web, modelled as a panel (a plate undergoing cylindrical deformation). The results are directly applicable also to the travelling beam. In accordance with the dynamic approach of stability analysis, the problem of harmonic vi- brations is investigated via the study of the dependences of the system’s nat- ural frequencies on the problem parameters. Analytical implicit expressions for the solution curves, with respect to problem parameters, are derived for ranges of the parameter space where the natural frequencies are real-valued, corresponding to stable vibrations. Both axially tensioned and non-tensioned tra…

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Fracture and Fatigue of Travelling Plates

In this chapter, problems of fracture and stability of a moving plate, travelling in a system of rollers at a constant velocity, are studied. It is known that in the manufacturing process, there may occur many kinds of defects in the paper web, such as edge cracks and blister and fiber cuts. Our aim is to tackle this problem and analyse theoretically how the defects change the behaviour. We will use the model of a thin elastic plate made of brittle material. A plate with initial cracks is studied, subjected to constant tension and cyclic tension. As a result, we will show how to find safe parameter ranges of transport velocities and in-plane tensions when fracture, stability and constraints…

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On some bifurcation analysis techniques for continuous systems

This paper is devoted to techniques in bifurcation analysis for continuous mechanical systems, concentrating on polynomial equations and implicitly given functions. These are often encountered in problems of mechanics and especially in stability analysis. Taking a classical approach, we summarize the relevant features of the cubic polynomial equation, and present some new aspects for asymptotics and parametric representation of the solutions. This is followed by a brief look into the implicit function theorem as a tool for analyzing bifurcations. As an example from mechanics, we consider bifurcations in the transverse free vibration problem of an axially compressed beam. peerReviewed

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Mechanics of Moving Materials

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Errata to “On the instability of an axially moving elastic plate” [Int. J. Solids Struct. 47 (2010) 91–99]

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On the critical velocities and free vibrations of axially moving elastic webs

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Анализ и оптимизация устойчивости балок на сплошном упругом основании часть II (бесконечные балки) [Analysis and optimization of a beam on elastic foundation. Part II (Infinite beams)]

Problems of defining of optimal (against buckling) cross section area distribution for beams interacting with elastic foundation are considered. The stability of limited pinned beams and infinite continuous beams is analyzed. For all beams under consideration, the stability analysis is performed as for constant as for variable distributions of strength beam characteristics. The critical length is determined and the variational statement of beam stability problems is presented for this beam type. For infinite continuous beams, the stability problems are investigated as for constant as for periodic distribution of strength characteristics. In the second case, the analysis of infinite beam can…

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On the instability of an axially moving elastic plate

Problems of stability of an axially moving elastic band travelling at constant velocity between two supports and experiencing small transverse vibrations are considered in a 2D formulation. The model of a thin elastic plate subjected to bending and tension is used to describe the bending moment and the distribution of membrane forces. The stability of the plate is investigated with the help of an analytical approach. In the frame of a general dynamic analysis, it is shown that the onset of instability takes place in the form of divergence (buckling). Then the static forms of instability are investigated, and critical regimes are studied as functions of geometric and mechanical problem param…

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Variational principle and bifurcations in stability analysis of panels

In this paper, the stability of a simply supported axially moving elastic panel is considered. A complex variable technique and bifurcation theory are applied. As a result, variational equations and a variational principle are derived. Anal- ysis of the variational principle allows the study of qualitative properties of the bifurcation points. Asymptotic behaviour in a small neighbourhood around an arbitrary bifurcation point is analyzed and presented. It is shown analytically that the eigenvalue curves in the (ω, V0) plane cross both the ω and V0 axes perpendicularly. It is also shown that near each bifur- cation point, the dependence ω(V0) for each mode approximately follows the shape of …

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Static instability analysis of an elastic band travelling in the gravitational field

Static instability analysis is performed for an axially moving elastic band, which is travelling at a constant velocity in a uniform gravitational field between two supports. The buckling of the band is investigated with the help of admitting small transverse deflections. The model of a thin elastic beam (panel) subjected to bending, centrifugal forces and nonhomogeneous tension (including a gravitational term) is used. Buckling analysis and estimation of the critical velocities of elastic instability are based on variational principles and variational inequalities. As a result, explicit formulas for upper and lower limits for critical velocities are found. It is shown analytically that a c…

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