Mario Fontana

The Evaluation of the Energy Performances of a Net Zero Energy Building: an Italian Case Study

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Energy life cycle approach in two Mediterranean buildings: operation and embodied energy assessment

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L’influenza dei sistemi per il condizionamento dell’aria sul consumo di energia elettrica del settore residenziale: un modello neurale

research product

Valutare la qualità energetico-ambientale nell’edilizia

The building sector is one of the most important in terms of wealth and employment, but it also involves significant resource consumption and environmental impacts. In particular, it affects the energy balance and the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. It is responsible for 50-60% of the natural resource consumption and for 40% of the total energy consumption in Europe, and this percentage will increase without strategies and actions aimed at enhancing the use of renewable energy resources. Therefore, the reduction of resource consumption and the minimization of environmental impacts have become in recent years the main goals in the design and construction of sustainable buildings (eco-des…

research product

Application of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to Natural Parks and reserves

Natural parks and reserves have to face problems concerning the conservation of their natural resources. Citizens and firms often perceive the institution of new protected areas more as a bind or a restriction to their activities than an added value of the territory. Following the principles of sustainable development, it is necessary to integrate the environmental protection with the needs of neighbouring urban areas and production sites. The implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) according to international standards (ISO 14001, EMAS) can support the Park administration in their complex management activities. This paper analysed the criticisms related to the application…

research product

The Evaluation of Energy Performances of a Net Zero Energy Building: An Italian Case Study

Over the past decades the impact of construction on the primary energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions has highlighted [1]. The interest of the international scientific community has therefore focused on the concept of a Net Zero Energy Solar Building (NZESB), which is generally defined as a building that produces all primary energy it needs during a year [2]. Among the many research activities focused on these buildings, it should be mentioned the case study developed within the IEA SHC Task 40/ECBS Annex 52 "Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings". The paper shows a case study of a Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) located in Ancona (Italy):“Life Energy And Future (Leaf) House” (L…

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Efficienza energetica ed ambientale delle aree industriali- un caso studio di simbiosi industriale nella provincia di Palermo

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Materiali edilizi e sostenibilità

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Energy retrofit of a single-family house: Life cycle net energy saving and environmental benefits

Abstract When a building undergoes a retrofit project, the goal of assessing energy and environmental performances of retrofit actions is a complex matter. Building and its environment are complex systems in which all sub-systems are strongly interdependent and influence the overall efficiency performance. In the following paper, starting from a literature review of building life-cycle studies, the authors highlight that there is a strong interplay among all the phases of a building life-cycle, as each one can affect one or more of the others. In detail, starting from the results of a “cradle to grave” life cycle study of an existing Mediterranean single-family house, a set of retrofit acti…

research product

Data Least Squares solution of the inventory problem in Life Cycle Assessment

research product

Energy and environmental assessment of retrofit actions on a residential building

Energy and environmental performances of buildings strictly depend on many factors related to the choice of construction materials, technical equipment, installation and use. In the following chapter a set of retrofit actions to improve the thermal performance of an existing conventional building is presented. The energy and environmental assessment of these actions is carried out following a life cycle approach. The embodied energy and the environmental impacts arisen from the production, transportation and installation phases of the required materials and components are calculated. Further, energy saving and environmental benefits and drawbacks concerning the assessed retrofit actions are…

research product

Edilizia sostenibile e greening urbano nella riduzione delle emissioni di gas climalteranti


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Energy and environmental analysis of a mono-familiar Mediterranean house

research product

A Decision Support System applied to the Italian national allocation plan for the reduction of the GHGs emissions

research product

La valutazione energetico-ambientale degli adifici

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Effetti energetico-ambientali di interventi di retrofit su un edificio residenziale monofamiliare in area mediterranea.

La rilevanza dei consumi di energia primaria nel settore civile d’utenza impone la necessità di definire strategie progettuali orientate al risparmio energetico, quali l’impiego di tecnologie alimentate da fonti rinnovabili, di materiali a basso impatto ambientale e di tecnologie energeticamente efficienti, in tutte le fasi di ciclo di vita dell’edificio. La durata della vita utile di un edificio, il tasso di sostituzione annuale del patrimonio edilizio e il tasso ancora minore delle demolizioni sono fattori peculiari degli edifici, per i quali gli interventi di riqualificazione energetica (retrofit) sugli edifici esistenti costituiscono soluzioni progettuali fondamentali al fine di ridurre…

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