C. Amato
The use of stereotaxic cytology in the diagnosis of non-palpable breast lesions. Personal experience
Background and aims. The increasingly frequent use of mammography for the early diagnosis of breast cancer and the consequent identification of mammary lesions at a preclinical stage raises the fundamental problem of the differential diagnosis between non-suspected non-palpable lesions (NPL) which can therefore be monitored over time and suspected NPL or definite carcinoma requiring histological confirmation and surgical biopsy. The diagnostic accuracy of mammography alone is not sufficiently high to differentiate benign lesions from malignant or strongly suspected ones. The use of surgical biopsy in the event of suspected NPL could be significantly reduced by the use of stereotaxic cytolog…
Siderophore production in Aeromona spp. Isolated from European eel, Anguilla anfuilla L.
Relazioni tra sindrome metabolica e carcinoma mammario: osservazioni da una casistica ambulatoriale
The authors examined a total of 519 nodules diagnosed preoperatively as mammary fibroadenomas between 1986 and 1991. 235 nodules were removed immediately after diagnosis, either because they had a diameter of over 3 cm or because they were present in women over 45 years old. The preoperative diagnosis was confirmed in 94.9% of cases and after histological examination the nodule was only found to be a carcinoma in one case (0,4%). Those cases not operated at the time of diagnosis were monitored for period of 2 years. At the end of this period 118 nodules had been removed due to a more or less rapid increase in volume. The histological examination of these nodules confirmed the initial diagno…
Le varietà di grano duro per le semine 2017: Sicilia
Nell’annata agraria 2016-2017, le prove sperimentali per la valutazione di 28 varietà di frumento duro sono state allestite in Sicilia, con il coordinamento del CREA, in 5 diversi ambienti: Libertinia (Catania), Piazza Armerina (Enna), Catania, Cammarata (AG) e S. Stefano Quisquina (AG). ). I dati evidenziano che, fra i genotipi in prova nell’ultimo quadriennio in 17 differenti condizioni ambientali (località × annata), le cultivar Antalis, Monastir, Kanakis, Ramirez, Iride, Core e Alemanno hanno ampiamente dimostrato la loro elevata produttività e ottima stabilità produttiva negli ambienti siciliani.
Levo folinic acid and 5-fluorouracil plus high dose epidoxorubicin as first line treatment for metastatic breast carcinoma
Twenty-two women affected by metastatic breast carcinoma have been treated with a combination of levo folinic acid 100 mg/m 2 plus 5-fluorouracil 450 mg/m 2 i.v. on day 1-2, and epidoxorubicin 75-90 mg/m 2 on day 2. This treatment cycle was repeated every 21-28 days. No patients had previously received chemotherapy for metastatic disease. Fourteen patients (64%) showed a major objective response with 3 complete (14%) and 11 partial responses (50%). Three patients showed a stabilization of disease and 5 (23%) progressed. All patients received ondansetron as antiemetic treatment which led to complete protection from vomiting in 68% of cases. Grade 1-2 diarrhea was recorded in 27% of the patie…
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation in subjects with abdominal aortic aneurysm subdivided for age.
La terapia chirurgica del morbo di Basedow. Tiroidectomia totale o subtotale a confronto
The surgical treatment of Basedow's disease is the most rapid and effective therapeutic approach to obtain the long-term remission of disease. Controversy persists regarding the choice of total or subtotal thyroidectomy. The authors report their experience in 38 cases of Basedow's disease undergoing surgery, of which 20 were treated with total thyroidectomy and 18 with subtotal thyroidectomy. No hemorrhages, wound infections, recurrent lesions, or definitive hypoparathyroidism were observed in the two groups of patients. Those patients undergoing subtotal thyroidectomy reported a 44.5% incidence of hypothyroidism. In particular, hypothyroidism was clinically manifest in 16.7% of cases and s…
One of the most important problems linked to the conservative surgery of breast cancer consists of local recurrences (LR), even if it has now been proven that the appearance of LR has no influence on overal survival of the patients operated for breast cancer. We have considered 108 patients suffering from breast cancer and treated with quadrantectomy plus axillarydissection. In these patients were found 4 LR (3.7%), that in two cases appeared in the residual mammary gland and in other two cases were found on the skin scar. The mean time of occurrence of the LR was of 43 month (range 18-90 month). The authors have correlated the appearance of LR with some caracteristics of the tumor, as the …
The authors report on their experience with six patients suffering from carcinoma phylloides of the breast and discuss the clinical and diagnostic characteristics of this rare neoplasm and its treatment. Clinical examination is the most important procedure in the diagnosis of this tumour of the breast. In most cases, ultrasonography, mammography and cytology are not helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis. Indeed is very difficult to identify valid criteria of differential diagnosis between this tumour and other breast neoplasms especially fibroadenoma. Limited surgery, consisting in a wide excision of the tumour, is the treatment of choice although a higher incidence of local recurre…
Leukocyte subtypes, gelatinases, and their tissue inhibitors in a group of subjects with asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis
In a cohort of subjects with asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis (ACA), we have evaluated the neutrophil and lymphocyte count and their ratio (NLR), the gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2). At baseline, no difference was observed between ACA subjects and subject control group regarding neutrophil and lymphocyte count while was evident in ACA subjects a significant increase in MMP-2, MMP-9 and TIMP-2 associated to a significant decrease in TIMP-1. Dividing the ACA according to the number of cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs) we have observed an increase in lymphocyte count in the subgroup with 3–5 CRFs. Evaluating the leukocyte subtypes according to…