Murielle Georges-leroy

The time-space dynamics of agricultural areas from Antiquity to modern times (chapter 2)

International audience; This paper presents the analytical procedure developed within Workgroup 1 of the Archaedyn project. It examines the time-space dynamics of agrarian activities readable from the ancient field systems preserved by forest cover, and from off-site material interpreted as the remains of manuring practices. Using GIS and spatial statistics tools, we studied the structuring, intensity, durability and mobility of agrarian activities on different time scales.

research product

Producing and working with iron

Combining archaeological studies and archaeometric analyses, this synthesis presents the importance of the iron economy in the eastern part of the Paris Basin from the First Iron Age to the early Middle Ages. The first contributions of this research project concern technological changes in the production system of iron objects. The attention paid to the share of recycling in production somewhat modifies the previous discourse in attempts to quantify the types of forged objects (tools, weapons, ornaments, etc). Additionally, the link between the status of the excavated sites (agricultural holding, rural hamlet, fortified site, large settlements) and the type of forging activity that was carr…

research product

Lidar : traitement avancé des données et interprétation archéologique - cours 2016

research product

Archaedyn - Workshop 1 - The dynamics of agricultural areas in the long term

Document destiné à être publié dans l’ouvrage ARCHAEDYN. Dynamique spatiale des territoires de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge, auteurs : BERTONCELLO, F., FAVORY, F., GAUTHIER, E., GEORGES-LEROY, M., NUNINGER, L., POIRIER, N., WELLER, O., à paraître aux PUFC, Besançon, collection Cahiers de la MSHE, série Dynamiques territoriales.

research product

Formalization of scientific process and conceptual modelling for the study of territorial and products distribution dynamics (ArchaeDyn II programme)

International audience; The ArchaeDyn team has investigated territorial dynamics by comparing areas over long time spans between the Neolithic and Modern times. Datasets on various themes have been shared and indicators and analytical models produced. This paper presents both the formalization of the scientific process used in the ArchaeDyn programme and a conceptual model of the systems and components so that synchronic and diachronic comparisons can be made. The aim is to clarify the transition from an archaeological feature (a site or an artefact) or a recording unit (survey area) as the input, to the characterization of spaces describing a system as the output. The approach is described…

research product

Archaedyn - Workshop 1 - The dynamics of agricultural areas in the long term

research product